Turtle Soup #4 pg.20 ..art by Thibodeaux & JACK KIRBY from the story “TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLE” by Mark Thibodeaux & Guy Romano [[ Mike v. Troll ]] (( 1992 ))

Turtle Soup #4 pg.20 ..art by Thibodeaux & JACK KIRBY from the story "TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLE" by Mark Thibodeaux & Guy Romano  [[ Mike v. Troll // INKS ]]  (( 1992 ))


“Check out this totally AMAZING PUBLISHED 1990 Jack Kirby pinup! Jack Kirby was close friends with inker Mike Thibodeaux, and as a favor, Jack Kirby agreed to pencil 1 pinup in this 7 page story as a favor for Mike Thibodeaux! This POWERFUL Kirby FULL SPLASH PAGE featuring Donatello ( actually it’s Mikey. ~t )battling a fanged gorilla type monster is signed by Jack Kirby in the artwork and it’s also signed by the inker: Mike Thibodeaux at bottom! Don’t miss it! If you want the entire 7 page story, which has a beautiful page 1 splash and several all out action pages, it can be had for 700 more than the splash price if you want to keep this story COMPLETE! Story is penciled and inked by Mike Thibodeaux (other than this splash of course!)”

–>> ** And this legendary piece can be yours..

for $2500 !!

..special thanks to RyanBrownfor this !!

Turtle Soup #4 pg.20 ..art by Thibodeaux & JACK KIRBY from the story "TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLE" by Mark Thibodeaux & Guy Romano  [[ Mike v. Troll ]]  (( 1992 ))

From 1992’s Ninja Turtle anthology mini-series :: TURTLE SOUP book 4 ..one page of a short story featuring Michelangelo and the Last of the Viking Heroes !!


“I’m gonna mangle you GREEN SLIMEBALLS !! “

"Electric Zombie" limted edition - Shock Wave Orange { Metalhead }  Tee .. design by Kyle Crawford //  A (( 2009 ))

–>> Let’s HELLEBRATE the “TURTLES IN TIME Re-SHELLED” by rockin’ out with the rocken-est sock’em robot and radical clunker on this magnificent Orange Manifestation from **Electric Zombie and Kyle Crawford !!

Mixed – up Meatalhead can’t decide if he’s workin’ for Krang or allied with the Turtles, but when he ain’t blowin’ a gasket and attacking the Teens as your favourite Boss in T. in Time .. he’s the real Guitar hero who’s plugged in as his own AMP !! !!

E Z - Kill Or Be Killed "Attack Pack"  bootleg mini postert (( 2009 ))

"Electric Zombie" limted edition - Shock Wave Orange { Metalhead }  Tee .. design by Kyle Crawford //  B  (( 2009 ))

"Electric Zombie" limted edition - Shock Wave Orange { Metalhead }  Tee //  BOX A (( 2009 ))

Extra-special packaging and goodies delivered pipin’ hot and fresh from E-Z to your door in 30 minutes or less ( no wait you better give em a little bit longer than that ).

"Electric Zombie" limted edition - Shock Wave Orange { Metalhead }  Tee //  BOX B (( 2009 ))

"Electric Zombie" limted edition - Shock Wave Orange { Metalhead }  Tee //  BOX C (( 2009 ))

"Electric Zombie" limted edition - Shock Wave Orange { Metalhead }  Tee //  BOX  D (( 2009 ))

"Electric Zombie" limted edition - Shock Wave Orange { Metalhead }  Tee //  efrutti Gummi Pizza  (( 2009 ))

"Electric Zombie" limted edition - Shock Wave Orange { Metalhead }  Tee .. design by Kyle Crawford // C  (( 2009 ))

☠ ☠


**Shock Wave Orange

But ** PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW ** This is all limited time offer, SUPPLIES ARE DWINDLING and it’s at a decent price as well !! !! !!

Besides, ol Rust-Bucket can only only carry a nice riff for so long for and unlike the local pizza joint who can carry an anchovy on yir pie, Metalhead can’t carry a TUNA !!

Once again thanks to 帽子のウサギ .. !!


MCubed: TMNT (2007)

So here’s my review of TMNT as part of the 25th Anniversary. Apologies to Turtle fans everywhere….:P

Tokka n' Pals [[ The art of Phil Gonzales ]]

Baxter Stockman  (( 2009 )) [[ The art of Phil Gonzales ]]

** Game guy extraordinaire , PG


TOKKA   (( 2009 )) [[ The art of Phil Gonzales ]]

RAHZAR  (( 2009 )) [[ The art of Phil Gonzales ]]

Bebop  (( 2009 )) [[ The art of Phil Gonzales ]]

Rocksteady   (( 2009 )) [[ The art of Phil Gonzales ]]


 TMNT Vs. KRANG PAPERCRAFT [[ Courtesy of 4kids & Paperfoldables ]]

–>> ..in light of Bryan’s kick-arse **”KRANG” paper foldable, and after wrestling with the .PDF file , I got frustrated and just converted it to .JPG form.

But why stop there ?!

In a manic fit i created an image set including the entire ***4kids TMNT Paper-craft collection so you can pit Splinter and the Gang up against the paper-cut tyrant from Dimension-X ( just in case you haven’t made the 4kids paper figs before ).

Also in the set are other printable goodies like the classy ‘Turtle Chase’ game.

In time i will upload more classic print, cut n’ paste fun.

** CHECK the PAPER CRAFT image set Right HERE !! **