You know…the only thing I like better than being the administrator of the best TMNT blog in the world…is giving stuff away on the best TMNT blog in the world!
That’s right! Ladies and Gentleman! I proudly present to you, the first (maybe) annual, GoGreenMachine.Org “I DIDN’T GET TO GO TO COMIC CON-TEST”!
We know many, many of you did not get to SDCC this year. And we at GGM feel sorry for you! So sorry in fact, that we want to give you something to make you feel better! You poor poor emo kid!
We are going to give away THREE sets of the following prize package:
A copy of of the Special Deluxe Edition Reprint of the first issue of Eastman and Laird’s Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (given away to attendees of the Turtles Forever Screening) signed by:
Kevin Eastman
Peter Laird
Steve Lavigne
Eric Talbot
Dan Berger
Jim Lawson
Mike Dooney
Tristan Jones
Andres Ponce
Dario Brizuela
a print of the Famous Talbot piece “Shadow-Splinter-Casey-April” Signed by Eric Talbot himself!
I know what youre saying, “Holy poop Stephan! That is one heck of a prize package! How do I gets me one?”
I’m glad you asked! All you have to do is tell us a story about why you didn’t go to San Diego Comic Con this year. But there is a catch! YOUR ANSWER MUST BE FICTIONAL! That’s right. We want you to lie to us. We want you to tell us the biggest, craziest, unbelievable lie your sick twisted brain can muster! Because let’s face it, the REAL reason you didn’t go is probably really lame and boring. And who wants to read lame and boring?!
Just like all of our contests, winners will be chosen at random (the ol’ name in a hat routine). The 3 winners will receive the above prize package, and have their big ol’ whopper of a story posted on GoGreenMachine.Org for all to see!
Please send your Name, mailing address (in case you win), and story to Stephan@GoGreenMachine.Org
Please have your story submitted to us by Monday, August 10th! (That is two weeks from today). Please keep stories to about a page in length.
YOU CANNOT ENTER THIS CONTEST IF YOU ATTENDED SDCC09 (I know who you are!) If we catch you trying to enter and you attended, you will be disqualified from this AND ANY FUTURE GGM CONTEST (trust me, so not worth it).
As Always, GoGreenMachine.Org writers are also not eligible.
Huge Thanks go out to Rob Longert of Peppercom, Mirage Studios, Kevin Eastman, and Eric Talbot for supplying prizes!
So distracted was I during the “Turtles Forever” party that I had no idea there were contests OR give aways. *facepalms*
And by distracted, you mean drunk
THe books were stacked up on the way out the door. They were actually just signed by Peter. I went around and got the other sigs. And the Talbot pieces were given to us by Eric out of the kindness and goodness of his heart, with the express purpose of giving them away.
I wasn’t there
To get that amazing prize i have to lie big time!!!
I’ll do my best.