Now this is cool!
The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, in association with Mirage Studios, 4Kids Entertainment and TMNT Productions will host an open casting call for martial arts experts to audition for the upcoming Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie, hitting theatres in 2011. We will select the best from the auditions to be a part of the stealth TMNT nemesis, the Foot Clan.
The casting call is part of the 25th Anniversary Shell-ebration of the “Heroes on a Half Shell” in 2009, and a great way to bring together all schools of martial arts to become part of the new generation of TMNT.
We’re reaching out to ask for your participation in spreading the word to your associates, friends and family within the martial arts community. Details of the event are below, and final rules/regulations will be posted shortly.
When: Saturday, July 18, 2009 10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Where: Hollywood & Highland
6801 Hollywood Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 90028
*At Grand Staircase
Who: Judges to include actor and martial arts expert Ernie Reyes, Jr., Jason Morgan from the American Taekwondo Association, and 2011 TMNT movie producers Scott Mednick and Galen Walker.
Audition: 30-Second Martial Arts Demo (Single Person Only)
No metal, sharp or bladed weapons of any kind allowed
Photo and updated resume with contact information
Fourteen years or older (under 18 must have adult permission for audition)
Dude… this would be so much fun (If I remembered my martial arts and could afford the travel)
Now if they look for regular people….
–>> O BABY !! !! !! incredible ~!! !!