Speak of the devil! Today’s TMNT25 blog post is a fun and light hearted explaination of the different continuities of the TMNT by Ross May. Click on young Ross for the full blog.
Category: Stuff From Other Blogs
Are You A Jaded Good-For-Nothin' That Never Goes To TMNT25.com?
I understand, I really do, some of you feel that tmnt25.com isn’t the proper representation for the turtles…some of you are even effected by it SO MUCH that you feel the need to express your anger outwardly and publically. I get it! I do! And it is your right to feel the way you do. That is what makes this internets thing so great! You can say whatever the heck you want! Lord knows I’ve said some colorful things about some colorful people in the past.
However; regardless of how you feel about the site, I wanted to take a minute to suggest that, even if the website makes you want to punch a grandma, You check out “Mikey’s Blog” from time to time. The blog has some really great content from some really worthy contributors. People like:
Gary Richardson
Jake Black
Jim Lawson
Michael Dooney
Tristan Jones
and lets not forget…yours truly!
Shameless self promotion aside, you really should check it out from time to time.
Click the pic to go directly to the blog…you don’t even have to look at the rest of the site if you don’t want to 😉
Turtle Doc – The Origin Story
This is actually really funny… unless it is only funny to me I am not sure, but it is where the first notions of the Turtle Doc came from and the second blog post of many by our Rand. Here is a clip from it, read the entire thing at: www.turtledoc.com
“Many times I have been asked why a forty-three year old, small town high school Media/English teacher would be making a documentary about the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Normally I just smile, shrug and say something like “Life is full of indefinable wonder, isn’t it?” But after doling out too many of these vague observations, I think I need to explain in a more cohesive way exactly how this all came about, just in case I am hit by a bus on Sunset Blvd and people wonder what the heck I was doing so far from home.
I can blame it all on Isaac Elliott-Fisher.
Usagi Cake!
Hey Guys, It’s Stephan!
Those of you who have followed my blogs for awhile are probably aware on my fondness for cakes! The ones that are more fun to look at then to eat!
Anyway, over at Stan Sakai’s blog, Stan talks about a museum presentation he did recently. And you know what they gave him?! THAT’S RIGHT! A CAKE!
You know what to do if you want to see the whole blog post! (Click the pic, slick!)
New Blog Up on Turtledoc.com
If you haven’t noticed already, the Canadians of TurtleDoc.com have left california are blogging about their experience. Randall Lobb – Producer – blogs about their experience in the first of what is probably going to be a large series of posts (Randall talks an awful lot ;-)).
Click the far away and visionary pic of Randall to check it out mang!