Peter Laird Interview on “Making It Here”

Peter recently posted on his blog about an interview he did recently for a TV show called “Making It Here” which is a publicly funded local show in MA. While there isn’t any terribly new information for most of your turtle elite, it is kinda nice to actually see him saying some of the things he has been putting in his blog (particularly regarding the buyout).

Click the Pic to go to Pete’s Blog post about it where you can download the episode (Peter’s Segment starts at 3:53). Be warned, the file is just shy of 200 Megs.

TMNT 25 – BACK to the SEWER

06202009 :: >;p Foot 25 - @ Golden  ..tail-gating the Party Wagon D

–>> Being evil and a major, un-official, international ambassador of the Foot Clan makes me rather bitter and offers very few caveats. Except for the occasional nunchuck to the ribs and three-toed boot to the head.

But even Tokka has to give a big THANK YOU to Michelangelo, Aaron, Mike ,Tim, Rob , Peppercom and the crew at TMNT 25 .

In the year from Turtle hell and despite the recession & adversity , Mikey and the gang really went out of their way .. above – AND BEYOND the call of Turtle duty to give us a Ninja Turtle Shell-A-Bration !!

Here we all could get together no matter what ..celebrate and enjoy the powerful, one-of-a kind, pop-culture phenom : TMNT !!

This was a mass TMNT multi-media event unlike any other !!

Let’s give it up for Mikey and the TMNT 25 crew and send out ♥ and thanks for an unforgettable Bushido Birthday Bash !!

** Click here for Michelangelo’s final thoughts on the whole SHELL-A-BRATION of ’09 and to lend your voice of thanks to a hard working crew at Peppercom that helped to prove to the world the impact of TMNT History and for a BODACIOUS 25th anniversary GALABUNGA !! !! **

06202009 :: >;p Foot 25 -  Michelangelo vs. Tokka iv

TURTLE “POW” – er !!

~ t

Fist Full of Kevin Eastman!

Please Be 18 years of age or older to click on any of the links in this post.


If you are like me (and God help you if you are), you check the Heavy Metal Website every couple of days and wonder when in the heck is Kevin going to update his blog (last time we saw an update was prior to SDCC09). WELL WAIT NO LONGER MY FRIENDS! Today, not only did Kevin Update his blog, but the entire Heavy Metal Site as well! You can either click the pic to read it yourself, or continue to read if you’d like to to pull our the bits that you (as a TMNT fan) probably care about.

Still with me?… K!

“…like rebuilding the entire Heavy metal site from the foundation up—and which if my timing is right, after a year’s work—you’re looking at it right now! …So with all that now in place, you can now expect to see a ton of new things we’ll be adding; more artists, more comics, more behind the scenes previews, contests, apps—so if you haven’t signed up for the newsletter, do so now so you don’t miss out on the updates.”

If I were you, I would go sign up for that newsletter. We may get some neato Turtles Stuff in the future!

“Basically in the past, as it would take me a while get a new update posted I would try to make it as huge as I could to make it worth the wait—but this one will be the last one like that—as I want to get up here every Sunday night, post a simpler blog/update of what has happened over the week and what’s coming up—and then hit the message boards for an hour or so. So, if not before, right after the holidays, expect to see a lot more of me in both places.

Lastly, a few months ago I started a Kevin Eastman/Heavy Metal Facebook page—just to reach out to a number of other fans that haven’t made it over to the Heavy Metal website, and/or prefer to chat/update in another kind of forum. Updates and discussions over there will be a little less HM focused—and many Heavy Metal artists and fans have already found me there. So, maybe I’ll see some of you in both places!”

So this basically means that Kevin is going to endevour to increase his online presence SUBSTANTIALLY! So if you have had trouble getting ahold of him in the past, this may be a light at the end of the tunnel for you. However; I DON’T think this is any excuse for the fanbase to decide to MOB him with questions or those stupid facebook aps we all hate so damn much (I don’t CARE if you threw a freakin’ pilllow at me!). But that is my personal opinion… use your best judgement obviously. If you would like to add Kevin as a Facebook friend, you may do so here.

If you’re interested in Heavy Metaly stuff, I suggest going back and reading the whole post on his blog.

Big Toon’s “KRANG’s Android Body” – W.I.P. (( 2009 )) [[ the work of Alex “Toon” Deligiannis ]]

Big Toon's "KRANG's Android Body" - Roughs (( 2009 )) [[ the work of Alex "Toon" Deligiannis ]]

–>> Aren’t our eyes lucky today !!

I love featuring **Alex’s work. The real ‘coulourful’ “BIG TOON” behind Nickelodeon’s ‘Fairly Odd Parents’ had a mad cap toony – comic style all his own.

Here’s Alex’s exciting, W.I.P. take on Krang’s big Bio-suit body !! !!

~ t

Big Toon's "KRANG's Android Body" - sketches (( 2009 )) [[ the work of Alex "Toon" Deligiannis ]]

Big Toon's "KRANG's Android Body" - inks (( 2009 )) [[ the work of Alex "Toon" Deligiannis ]]

Dooney’s Statement


We seem to be in the business of collecting Viacom Buyout statements from various artists as of late. Click the Pic for Dooney’s statement! (Also, I love this picture)