I love TMNT cakes. They crack me up. My friend Regina sent this picture to me this weekend and I just had to post it. This isn’t just any old TMNT cake. It’s a groom’s cake. These are cakes that are given as gifts to the Groom by the bride during a wedding. if this is YOUR groom’s cake, let us know! Was it delicious?!?!!?
Kevin Eastman To Release new TMNT Collection
Hey all,
The all too seldom updated blog of Kevin Eastman got a great update today. In it he announced the release of a collected works book he is releasing for the 25th anniversary. You can check out the blog post here (go there for additional images), or you can read the text below!
Anyway, let me tell you a few things that are going on, too much to fit in for this update, so I’ll share my favorites. As many of you know, and for those that don’t, this year is the 25th anniversary of the TMNT’s!!! Cool Beans! There are a couple of 25th Anniversary things planned this year by Mirage Studios—for the full details/plans/events go to the official TMNT site (www.ninjaturtles.com) but from my end, I’m doing a little 25th” event I can’t wait to share with you—a new collection of TMNT stories, my favorites, in an all new remastered 180 page book that will be out in time for San Diego!
About half of the stories feature my two favorite TMNT characters, Casey Jones and Raphael, the rest reprint some of my favorite all time TMNT tales! Here’s a quick breakdown;
The Jan Strnad Richard Corben “Turtles Take Time” in its original full color version!
The Mark Bode epic “Shell of the Dragon” in its original glorious black and white!
The FIRST appearance of Casey Jones in the Raphael one shot entitled, “Me, Myself, and I” which has been colored for the first time by the amazing Justin Norman!
The classic Eastman short “Fun With Guns” short story will be colored by the world renowned Blond!
And TMNT #14 by Eastman and Talbot will be reprinted in its original “Duo Shade/Sepia Toned” version!
Other stories will include shorts, “49th Street Stompers” “Complete Carnage and Radical” and “You Had to Be there!” plus intros, pin-ups and a few other surprises!
Tales of the TMNT Review #56
Greetings, one and all…
I will be the first to admit that I am not as able to keep up to date with the current TMNT comics as I should be. I tend to check out the official TMNT website for summaries and glimpses of a few pages. But what I can say about this most recent issue from the Jones/Harmon powerhouse is definitely going to be a memorable one for TMNT fans.
I know the idea of putting a cartoon character into the Mirage universe caused some to hesitate. But Tristan’s own interpretation of Hun – Hunter Mason – is a solid character that you can really love to hate.
If you are not one for plot spoilers, I will warn you now. You can skip the next Three paragraphs, and go straight to the art itself.
The timeline for this story takes place a month after Tristan/Harmon’s previous conglomerate, Tales #36 “To Protect and Serve”. Nearly as year has passed since the City at War arc of Vol. 1, Donatello and Splinter are back home from Northampton, and busily helping April and Casey set up the apartment for their new family. Shadow is almost a year old at this point. The continuation of the City At War Plotline is very exciting for those familiar with that story. We see a couple returning characters from #36, and I’m getting a strong feeling that we’ll be seeing some further build-up to this storyline in the very near future…
Tristan’s story introduces us to a darker, more threatening version of Hun than we’ve seen in the animated series. It opens with a young, beaten up Casey staring defiantly at a late-teens(?) Hun, who’s got a knife in his side. The mountain of a man removes the knife and literally beats the life out of Casey while his family is forced to look on in horror. It’s this attack that most likely spurs Casey into becoming a hockeystick-wielding vigilante. You can easily understand how these two lives become so inexplicably intertwined…
More than just the lumbering brute that utters ‘Oh Crud’ whenever something happens, he is a fierce enemy who’s bound to become a favorite among the official Rogues Gallery – and leave you hungry for more…
Okay, no more spoilers, I promise…
The Art itself is something to behold. If the horrified eyes peering out of a shattered hockey mask isn’t enough to catch your attention, the sneering face of Hun should be enough to make you wonder what the heck is going on. Dooney’s frontispiece alone could be good enough as a pin-up poster like they used to have back then.
I’ve always been fond of B&W artwork, just because I tend to see color sometimes taking away from the tiniest details of shading and textures.
Harmon is a master of this gritty, Vol. 1 style of artwork. I would say it was done with charcoal – Heck, maybe even Gunshot Residue for all the action taking place. The lighting is smooth, almost milky, which in contrast makes the strong lines almost too dark, but overall it just screams the perfect amount of Atmosphere. Once you get an eye for Harmon’s artwork, it’s almost addictive in nature not to stop examining for the little details.
Even the way the turtles are drawn is something to notice. What I’ve noticed about Harmon’s turtles is that they seem very much inspired by the character designs of the very first Turtles movie. I noticed this a lot with Tales #36, and more so here.
Overall, this is a fantastic addition to the history of Tales of the TMNT, and I’m sure it will become a fast favorite for your collection.
Thanks for reading!
Guest Blog Series At TMNT25.com
Hey guys, I just wanted you all to know that I am currently writing a series of guest blogs for tmnt25.com about my time in the TMNT fandom. This is an opportunity that I am actually very excited about, and I encourage all of you to follow along 🙂
TMNT Treasures – The Our Friends Power-5 Robot
Hey gang. TMNT Treasures was a post series from my old blog that I always really enjoyed doing. So, I thought I would start it up again!
TMNT Treasures showcases the most rare or bizaare TMNT items out there. This week we are looking at…”THE OUR FRIENDS POWER-5″ ROBOT!
What the heck is Our Friends Power-5? We’ll I’ll tell you, son.
Our Friends Power-5 (atleast we are reasonably sure that is a semi-accurate translation) was a very low budget korean satire film. The movie was…well…I really haven’t the slightest idea what it’s about…other than ninja turtles….kinda. The reason I don’t know, is because I have never seen it…and…nobody seems to have seen it. In all the years I have been collecting, I ahve never come across anyone who has seen the movie or had a copy. (If you have a copy, please contact me if you’re interested in selling it.)
So Aparently…this movie had robots. Or atleast 1 robot. And it looked… like this!
The answer to your immediate question is Yes. There are 5 turtles on the box. I don’t know either.
This box is actually cool, so I’ll go over it. First off, check out the rockin’ handle for easy hauling.
The best part about this box though are the toy example pictures. The Turtles that come with this robot are like G.I. Joe sized. However, the packaging designer decided it would be clever to CRAM regular sized ninja turtles into the robot for the box photos.
The first thing you see when you open the box is…MORE BOX! This guy is wrapped up pretty good. I kinda actually like the overall presentation of the packaging. It’s much higher quality then the toy itself, heh.
You’ll realize this toy is made of total crap as soon as you touch it. The plastic used is super cheap, and super thin. The robot come broken up in smaller robot parts (ala Voltron). Putting it together for this photo was nerve wracking because I was terrified I was going to break it. The robot also comes with 5 of these cool metallic turtles that fit into the various robot parts. 2k Mikey is hanging out for scale.
The interesting thing about this bootleg is that it is actually a cross product bootleg. Not only is the Our Friends Power-5 robot set a ninja turtle bootleg, but it is also a Gobots bootleg. The robot itself is a direct mold knock off of the Gobots Guardian Power Suit.
A word on rarity. The robot featured in this post is the only example of the Our Friends Power-5 robot in known collecting circles. I know there must be more of them, but nobody seems to be able to find any. IF YOU HAVE ONE, PLEASE CONTACT US. We would like to document its existence.
Well, that just about wraps it up for this edition of TMNT Treasures. If you have any questions about this or other posts, comment or e-mail us!