TOY NEWS INTERNATIONAL :: LOOK – – We’re getting SLAMMED with TURTLE related product in 2016 and i’m really overwhelmed here, so screw it. I trust Dan’s reviews and just am gonna post the imperative walk-thru’s he made with the companies offering the impressive pieces so many will want to add to their collections.
..possibly partially due to the leaks on the TMNT 2 movie product last month and from mandate by Paramount, no Movie products and toys are in this walk thru.
–>> POST the big game weekend and FAT TUESDAY, let’s have some more BATMAN crossover fun featuring one of the Dark Knight’s greatest films of all time and a famous TIGER ELECTRONICS spot-ad of handheld LCD game on the same film.
In the mid to late 1990s, some may recall TIGER Picked up the TMNT license for handhelds based on the classic Turtle show & NEXT MUTATION.
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Related bits :: case you missed the BIG KRAANG/TECHNODROME TMNT: OUT OF THE SHADOWSmovie reveal during the game –
( yeah, sure ya missed it .. )
• MUCKMAN NOT CANCELLED !!Following up on ** Nacho’s TMNT Latin America report on MUCKMAN being an AMAZON EXCLUSIVE, i was able to reach out to Aubrie at **Playmates finally and get the REAL info on what the heck is going on with releases like Muckman and all the other confusing supposed “cancellations” some fans seem to fly off the handle with and upset everyone about..
– [ in regards to Mix and Match Leatherhead, ect. ] Our Mix N Match figures are currently on HOLD so that we can push new TV characters from the show on Nickelodeon, which is in Season 4. – MEANING THE LINE AND LEATHERHEAD ARE NOT CANCELLED, just on hiatus..~ t
– [ in regards to Half Shell Heroes Rahzar & Roach, and possible Kriby, Mutagen Man, and hopefully Karai ]The HSH Rahzar and Cockroach is shipping and should be hitting shelves at major retailers mid-February.
– [ in regards to the Basic Triceraton, looks like we may ONLY be getting Mozar — maybe this wiull change but for now ]The “Basic Triceraton” is Mozar. He was an Exclusive to Walmart in the month of December, stopped shipping for January and will be hitting shelves in all major retailers now.
Muckman and friends
– [ Dream Beaver DIRE ] Dire Beaver and Dark Beaver should be hitting shelves in June at all major retailers.
– [ TMNT sidekick 3-pack – perhaps a restructuring of distribution is in order for this one.. ] The Icecream Kitty, Cluckingsworth and Spike Turtle 3 pack was removed from Target’s website and we are no longer moving forward with it.
– [ MUCKMAN ] Muckman is set to be released in 2017.
– [ KRAANG PRIME, this was never promised for release – only his prototype was released ] We are no longer moving forward with the KRAANG PRIME.
..keep in mind things ALWAYS change in this business, and Nickelodeon & Playmates are constantly in a state of flux with these decisions. Fan input is important, and speculation run amok isn’t going to help anyone. If you are really concerned about your favourite release being cancelled – – it’s best to be calm, polite, respectful, patient and direct with your concerns and go straight to the horse’s mouth to get the answers you need. I’ll keep you posted as i learn more.
IDW Games:: **Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shadows of the Past Board Game Kickstarter
–>> Batman’s crossing-over all OVER the place, even here on GGM !! Card art by famous concept, storyboard, comic, and graphic illustration artist, ** Dermont Power.
I had not seen these before, new vinyl figures and keychains (including two large figures) based on the original cartoon.
The website Ami Ami has listed a July release date.
Sgt.Bananas, Rahzar and some guy named TOKKA & MORE !!
1AM Gallery is pleased to present a Cheech Wizard Tribute Show “I Am What I Am” by artist Mark Bode, and the Official San Francisco Release of “Cheech Wizard’s Book of ‘Me’” opening Thursday, February 4th from 6:30-9:30pm.
Mirage Studios’ adaptation of the first TMNT movie. Two editions were published, one in regular comic book format, and a “prestige” format that was printed on better quality paper and featured painted coloring by Steve Lavigne on the interior pages.
Some interesting “Retro Style” key-rings were found by our friend at a ***FRY’S store, a division of the Kroger company based in Arizona. Hypothetically one could figure that other KROGER stores or Kroger affiliate stores in the U.S. may have these key-rings too. but that is only a guess so no guarantees.
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TNI & Pixel Dan save the day AGAIN with your NERDO COSPLAYERS in a 1/2 – shell::
–>> Trivial observation: while it may have been a basic design choice, most K•B ads from back in the day..say 1980s and 1990s that Tokka recalls were illustrated like what we see here in this complete ad set. That may have been a cost saving measure as well. Or maybe it was just a printing choice of many retailers at the time. Countless stores had illustrated newspaper print ads for decades. You’ll still find them on occasion in newspapers and the like today. Most newspaper ads it seems are mostly photographic nowadays however.
I recall black & white print ads in newspapers say like in a classified page that were also illustrated for the toy store. I don’t think i have any photographic ads in my archives for K•B ( formerly ‘KAY•BEE’ ), unless they are from the late 1990s or early 2000s.
Not 100% sure, but this may be my only complete circular set for K•B nay for some random and loose pages. I don’t always get to post these COMPLETE ads as there is very time consuming process that takes a bite into my personal work. However, in the long run they are important pieces of TMNT advertising and toy history, if not just Toy history in general. A glimpse into the past of retail toy shopping in a per-internet shopping era.
Guessing things like this just really didn’t survive many recycling bins or rubbish collections just short of microfiche or someone saving them or what have you. It’s prolly beneficial to all when i do make the time to post ’em digitally.
Sometimes i am asked of the fate of K•B after the final bankruptcy and demise of the once iconic Mall TOY retailer in 2008.
TOYS ‘R’ US came in a year later to purchase all intellectual properties, names, iconography, logos, licenses, et al. like they had with the operations of the FAO Schwarz brand the same year.
Last seen K•B was used in SOME labeling within some TRU stores to possibly a lesser degree than the FAO Schwarz branded boutique set-ups in the retail stores right now. I’m not sure what products received that labeling or if that continues currently or into the future. Time will tell.
The stores became a staple for shopping centers and malls in North America for decades and has burned into countless childhood memories including mine.
I’m sure a portion of the value of that iconography is what lead to the TRU purchase in ’09. That value may resonate into a major return of the K• B brand in some form or fashion some day.