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Enough with a blast from Toy Fair’s past; we’re not just yet at Toy Fair 2015 and there’s already some striking images in the RELATED NOTES via Toy Ark. Starting off with the uber-limited and expensive; but beautiful ( pending your point of view ) PRIME 1 Studio offerings from Japan starting off with peeks of production sample shots of the next two brothers in P1’s TMNT ’14 movie series.. ::
- Prime 1 Studio Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2014 Leonardo Statue
- Prime 1 Studio Teases TMNT 2014 Michelangelo Statue
- ..and – errrmm.. THEN THERE’S THIS GUY that was recently teased !!
Finally in toys, ART ASYLUM and Diamond Select are far from done with the Teens in 2015 with a peek at the next jaw-dropping selection of Teens and villains in NICK TURTLES Minimates Wave 2 !! !!
**NICK TV :: The #NinjaTurtles are going on a quest unlike no other during Sunday’s new episode at 11am/10c! (( TODAY !! ))
- Places like Kotaku’s back to griping about things ::
All the Ways The New Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Movie Made No Sense
..thus proving that they CAN once in awhile (when the F@*%in’ want to) credit their sources in their articles – – and in other cases not so much, if at all .. >:O. Damned boneheads .
~ t