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–>> Here’s some more Ghosts come to haunt the sewers from Toy Fair’s past !!
This artwork and early N.M. logo was being used by Mirage and Saban early on in the development of the live-action show. I recall seeing it multiple times on the official TMNT website.
★ ★
This has been rescanned at a higher rez, and broken down to hi-light a better look at the prototypes and such presented within’ the magazine spread.
There’s a bit going on here including early prototypes of Venus and Dragon Lord, logos, and a very “DARTH VADER” – like, early Shredder prototype that’s quite pointy.
Pink-bandanas on Venus and a really cool paint job on DRAGON SKULL a.k.a The Dragon Lord.
The very comic-book, “DOONEY STYLED” Elite Guard in this line was the first “Shredder Elite Ninja” ever to be sculpted into a toy.
The Elite Guards don’t look like this in the show at all as they do on the fig.
It’s not mentioned much, but the story was supposed to go in that after Venus defeated Shredder and the N.Y. Foot Clan was disbanded, the Shredder’s Elite were to join Dragon Lord’s “THE RANK” army in lieu of the absence of the FOOT. Hopefully when Oroku Saki was to return, they would have rejoined him once again betraying their new Dragon master.
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Connotations between “SHREDDER” and “Darth Vader” drove me nuts growing up – i heard it many times. But it’s pretty hard not to think of the Dark Lord with this early proto and SHARP version of Saki. The final figure looks immensely cool, one of my all time favourites.
★ ★
Venus’s proto included pupils and a pink coloured banadana and wrappings.
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One of my favourites from the Teens’ Rouges Gallery. One has to presume that the Dragon Lord’s final facial look was not ready by the time he went to sculpt. The masked version would be the only version EVER to be manufactured and the same sculpt is used on his TURTLEFLAGE deluxe figure. He never wore the mask in the show, as you may recall. A “sculpted dragon-head” was promised for a future figure, maybe it was even sculpted at one point. But who knows. Again, the line went away after the second wave.
The cool paint wash on this highlights the sculpt a bit better on the prototype than on the manufactured figure. You can even see the upper “GREEN” portion of his face just a bit peaking above the face mask. The final figure just makes it look like he’s wearing a full, white head mask.
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The Biker , MEGA MOTORIN’ “Elite Guard” looks suspiciously like he’s wearing similar looking garb to the Rank Warriors. And none of the villains on the show ACTUALLY get a souped up ride like the cool red n’ purple, stealthy lookin’ speedster. Raph’s bike looks kinda similar to how it looks in the live show.
The big fat Mutant Marauder would be rereleased in the TMNT 2003 line tho’ it was redecorated a bit and didn’t feature in the animated show.
★ ★
Early “T. Thrashers” protos include a pink-bandana Venus again, and she is wearing a top which actually looks cool on her.
For whatever reason, her final DLX Thrasher toy removed the top ( *GASP* ) and e’rythang just all umm — hangs OUT free-flowin’ in the breeze at the skate park.
..and there’s your buddy wandering his way thru’ the Toy Fair’s very own sewer system.
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N.Y. Toy Fair ’15 has wound down, but the hunt is just beginning for the collectors, kids, moms n’ dads EVERYWHERE !! ::
With Baxter-Fly, Turflytle, and Karai Serpent slithering onto Ebay; as per the pattern every quarter new toys invade stores – and as ol’ Tokkie always warns:: .. stay calm and bide your time as you hunt the pegs at your favourite brick & mortar store or online retailer. Avoid ebay at first if at all possible to maximize your spending power. The prices for figs at first on ebay are absolutely insane ..and are only for the most desperate.
- Toy Ark :: ..on the higher end of the hunt – –
Back at Wonder Festival 2015, Prime 1 Studio showcased all four of their Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2014 Statues. Now we get a close up look at the Donatello Statue. **Prime 1 Studio has posted some official photos and some info for the upcoming release…-
Check out the full gallery on **TOY ARK and click ***Prime 1 Studio here for release info.
- FLICKERING MYTH:: While we’re on topic with the movies .. UK Home Media release of the TMNT film brings an ..
Interview – William Fichtner talks Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, not playing Shredder and returning for the sequel
- We have one more “GHOST” from Mutations & Toy Fair’s distant history set to publish for this time ’round. I’ll try to get to that in 24 or so. Plus i’ll try to squeeze in Rich’s Comic news. Stay Mean, Lean – and Turnip Green, my young friends !!
~ t