Tag: DOn
VH1's B.W.R : Ninja Turtles On Empire State Building Prove TMNT And “Being Really High” Still Go Together Nicely
–>> SPECIAL THANKS to Don N. !!
“The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
appeared on top of the Empire State Building today to celebrate their 25th Anniversary (wow – I realize that dates back to the comic but still…25 years?? My God…) Here’s a brief photo recap of the event, along with a bunch of dumb captions that I wrote–”
VH1’s BEST WEEK EVER Blog has an insane handfull of fun pix to share from today’s big GALABUNGA in the N . Y . C. at the top of the E.S.B. !! ( You down wit’ Tokkie, Gee ?! )