Just a heads up to let you know that our friend, Stan Sakai, will be signing on Free Comic Book Day (May 1st) at Things From Another World at Universal City Walk from 3 to 5. I am going to be there, you should be too! Click the Pic for a complete line-up of artists signing at Things From Another World on FCBD.
Peter Laird's FCBD09 Coverage
Not that Machias’ coverage wasn’t fantastic, because it was! Peter posted more pics and info on his FCBD09 experience via his blog. Click the pic to check it out!
Free Comic Book Day 2009 – Golden Apple Comics – Los Angeles, CA
Hey guys,
Ashley and I just returned from checking out a couple comic book stores for free comic book day. The first of which was Golden Apple in Los Angeles, where Kevin was signing. So…Bill Shatner was also there…and walking up to the store, you could see his line.
Kevin’s line they kept internally, it weaved through most of the comic aisles. We got to the store at noonish. Which was was fortunate, because they cut Kevin’s line off two people after us. This is from the back of Kevin’s line.
We slowly made our way through the store. If you’ve ever been in a line for Kevin you know that it can take a long time even if there arent that many people because (bless his heart) he spends an amazing amount of time with each person.
While we were in line, we met a guy and his adorable little ginger kid daughter, so was actually one of the animatronic mechanics on the Next Mutation! I wish I has snapped a picture of him…or got his name…I’m a bad person. So we continued to weave out way through the line. Ashley struck a pose while we moved along.
Getting warm….
On a side note, it was just about that time that Shatner showed up and was immediately mobbed by small press. He looked like something had recently tried to eat his face…SORRY BILL!
So, at long last, we make it to Kevin. Hugs were exchanged, and Ashley was swooning from the cheek kiss she got
They were kinda trying to keep the line moving, so after making some plans for SDCC we got out of there…thankfully before the Shatner line started to mob into the store…freaky bastids.
Amazingly, we got out of the store without me buying anything (though I came very close to getting this REALLY nice Emma Frost statue). Did we leave there without any phat l00tz? Of course not :-P. I had brought the season 7 DVD that had the segment of Kevin and I in the special features, so he signed that for me.
I also asked him to sign a few more copies that we could give away here on the site throughout the year. So look for ways to get those from us in the future!
And that is about it for our Golden Apple coverage of FCBD 09. We sent Ms. Banshee out to Jetpack Comics today as well, where a number of the Mirage crew was signing. You can expect her write up later today
Thanks for reading!
Go Green Machine!