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–>> Part 6 of the GGM “History — Leo” set takes back into the future to about 10 years ago. So prolly more accurately a 2006 year imprint should appear on the back of this box. However, the planning for the FAST FORWARD phase of the TMNT 2k3 series prolly started in 2005. This is more Michael Dooney style-guide art printed here – used for earlier on in the 2003 era. But since it’s the same continuity, it does suffice.
Representing another interesting turning point in the 2003 series as the actually, somewhat short-lived, “futuristic” and lighter TMNT: FAST FORWARD line marked the start of a shift in the Toys and animated worlds of the Turtles. All of this was both praised and shunned by many fans of the show. Cut off by the TMNT 2007 film toy line, a whole wave of unreleased characters and fun Turtle variants never made it past TOY FAIR.
Another “alright” reproduction – this one was kind of hard to remove from the base. But it may have just been mine. Small paint apps are missing such as below the knee. Leo’s futuristic katanas were partly made of a translucent blue plastic with a painted metallic handle ( representing the lazer-like, Lightsabre-ish weapons of the show ). Here they are cast in solid silver. The scabbard on his back is completely blue, the original’s scabbard is silver-metallic. While it may just be MY particular figure, it does appear that the head on my repro FF Leo is just a tad off-mold.
As usual, for the set, peg-holes are threaded and copyright info is updated but moved to the lower back of his shell.
The noggin, again on my FF Leo reproduction toy seems just slightly off. Not a big deal, but it just doesn’t look 100 % correct. The forehead particularly seems off-mold.
Just for fun, here’s DARK LEO. The vile alien Shape-shifter, Sh’Okanabo made evil clones of the Teens to help defeat ’em.
Dark Leo is a particularly effective evil counterpart Ninja Turtle, and he makes a really cool evil Toy.
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More toy bits & related ::
In the latest issue of Clutter Magazine, they have a look at some upcoming Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Figures. These 1/6 scale figures were designed by TMNT creator Kevin Eastman and will be produced by ThreeZero. We’ve previously seen then base sculpts, but the magazine features our first look at the fully painted and articulated figures.

- COWABUNGA CORNER ::Dear Nickelodeon: We want 4Kids TMNT in a DVD Box Set
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