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–>> Onto part 5 of GGM’s History – set breakdown. Here, the box art reproduces the initial ’03 card backer art of Leo ( also used on other Playmates and non- products ). That art was used for quite some time. It really matched the look of that first wave Leo. You may still find it here and there on some items like BLUE BUNNY frozen ice cream Ninja Turtle products.
A slightly early, surprise release for the 2002 holiday season at Wal-mart stores ( perhaps others ) of just the Teens to get kids hyped on the then NEW upcoming relaunch Turtles show brought the original intro of this sculpt.

Arguably, that original wave of TMNT ’03 figures was some of the strongest product PLAYMATES ever produced. With the Teens and supporting cast featuring newer articulation not seen in TMNT toys before, great detailing and washes on the paint schemes, and notable actual paint on the weapons themselves — Playmates & 4kids wanted fans to know that these Teens meant business !!
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In the budget cutting age of Playmates with minimal, weird, questionable, or NO paint decos on retail figures – this guy translates “OK” in this set.

Another stabilization modification is made to the left leg this time on the toy giving his foot and lower leg a slightly less ‘bent’ stance compared to the original. The newer stance is a bit more rounded and stable and looks cool. The belt, scabbard, & swords go unpainted this time so no real details except for the sculpt itself. The body gets only the basic paint and NO paint washes or detailing. The plastron chest-piece on the ’02 toy is a bit softer and you can actually press it in a little bit. The chest-piece on this reproduction is entirely solid. Non-pliable whatsoever. This repro is still pretty adequate a representation of the ’03 figure.
Threaded feed again on the repro, and his unpainted swords also seem a tad smaller than the original releases. The updated copyright info is transferred from his left to right foot.
.. for fun, we get a visit from my favouriie ’03 era LEONARDO, MYSTIC FURY LEO !!
..and the original ’06 F.F. Leo steps up to visit the set !!

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Related toy bits ::

TLS x TMNT2 – Wave 2, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles animated series inspired Action Vinyls. Includes more accessories, killer poseability, the best villains, our lovable heroes and extremely hard to find chase figures! These Action Vinyls stand 3.25′ tall but pack a mean punch!
Shipping first week of March, 2016.
Designed by Joe Allard for TLS
© Viacom 2016
White Foot Soldier ::
Playmates Toys :: 
..on the comic front —
..I’ve not aggregated on the comic front in a few months, and i will try to change that in coming posts. Part of this is due to Tokka’s personal issues with comic companies that has interfered with life/ career issues rather drastically. Posting IDW related news items did become a sticking point.
However as to not let bias come into play while posting on GGM, i’ll have to get over this. This was an important decision ( made long ago ) to make on relaying the news as UN-biased as possible to let the fans draw their own conclusions on issues and matters at hand in regards to books, films, media, whatnot.
There’s one “lost” post not published in regards to Ryan Brown’s return to at least some semblance of comic work with the Lavigne penciled cover and Ryan inked **TMNT Adventures Archives Vol.10.
While i cannot promise what i will propose here will happen, i will try. Within’ publishing the lost post, i will gently request a Q & A with Ryan of some sorts. For years now i am infrequently bombarded with questions i cannot always answer i.e. : The collapse of Ryan Brown’s “THE SELECTED” Mutanimals Revision / spin-off comic, The cult favourite WILD WEST C.O.W. Boys of Moo Mesa, his creations : Mondo Gecko, Leatherhead, and Slash and general input on Ciro and Nick’s ( and possibly IDW’s ) direction with the original SPIN-OFF team of Turtles – the MIGHTY MUTANIMALS.
Ryan’s very reserved and may not be up to this. So i cannot promise sh**.
But he’s a legendary TMNT creator and writer who gets MINIMAL credit and goes heavily under-appreciated in many fan circles. I also cannot guarantee that will change. But his fans DO want to hear from him. And perhaps a short Question and Answer session may be in order.
We’ll see, bare with me as i look into this.
~ t