–>> Minor, touch-ups and vintage add-ons to match the prototypes OF THE CLASSICS ‘BOP & ROCKY a little bit better & enhance the figures. For some reason, i only painted one side of each of ‘circles & stripes’ on each of Bebop’s shoes. I may go back and change that later.
Added to the customization : the ORIGINAL 1988 Rocksteady Manhole Cover Shield accessory, touched-up ..works relatively well with the Classics Rocky.
Minor tough-ups on grenade pin, and light-metallic on boots. Really small details.
The metallic touch-ups on ROCKY’s vintage ’88 Manhole Cover Shield look adequate.
Touch-ups on ROCKY & Bebop’s display bases. Originally it was just a one-toned grey colour. The Turtle’s Classics bases at least had a light wash – ‘Bop and Rock’s didn’t – – so i changed it.
Gentle silver high-lights in hardened punk sunglasses eyelets, sparkling violet Mohawk. Studs on bracelets painted.
The ORIGINAL Bebop ’88 Knife works great with the CLASSICS Bebop.
Related notes ::
More new movie related images ripping up the internet via the Tokyo Toy show, an anonymous photographer and Rich W. Supposedly there’s a small peek at Splinter in the lower right hand corner of the poster image. You have to look really hard.
Quick peek of the brand-new revised TMNT PEZ dispensers based off Ciro & crew’s designs from the Nick Show. Due in July in North America & August in European markets.
–>> Front of print is meant to represent the front & back cover of the flyer when folded, other side of print is meant to represent the interior of the flyer.
The first 169 episodes (3 volumes) of #TMNT are being released on Blu-ray in Germany! Could be a sign of things to come for North America. For some reason Volumes 1 and 3 use the same images, just in different places.
–>> Psycho Summer is over “BACK” to school n’ trying to get back to round-ups of the most imperative news. We’ll focus on the comics and related front for this postin’, Hun – cuz there’s just so much going on .. Tokka’s beaky brain is hurtin’ so much cuz he’s so overwhelmed while he’s workin’ too hard !!
DIGGER T MESCH (MINIMATES, AGENT 88) and BLOND (BATMAN) will be signing from 4 til 7
Buy a signed book/Open Bar available after signing!
Written by JOSHUA ORTEGA (Gears of War) from a film treatment by DIGGER T MESCH (Agent 88, Art Asylum), “The Other Dead” is a six-issue miniseries examining what happens when a mysterious infection causes every single member of the animal kingdom to turn into blood-thirsty, ultra-strong zombies and attack an unsuspecting human populace. Interior artist QING PING MUI, master colorist BLOND and cover art from The Mighty KEVIN EASTMAN, co-creator of “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles,” round out “The Other Dead” creative team.
People have been arguing for years whether zombies should walk or run and this September you can add flying, swimming, hopping and slithering to that debate as IDW Publishing unleashes zombie animal hordes in “The Other Dead.”
What’s the premise of “The Other Dead?”
Joshua Ortega: At the highest level, two words: Zombie. Animals. “The Other Dead” is the world’s first zombie animal epic, exploring what happens when the animal kingdom is turned into a horde of flesh-eating monsters.
As far as the story goes, a monstrous hurricane — even worse than Katrina — is about to hit southern Louisiana just as the Vice President is killed during an outbreak of a mysterious infection that’s turning all animals into ravenous, cold-blooded killers.
Into this mix is thrown our eclectic cast of characters: Tommy Romero, a 10-year old cancer survivor who’s struggling with his faith and belief in life; Azrael, Tommy’s older brother and a member of the Norwegian-like death metal band, Decapitated; Justina Abelinda Cortez, Az’s girlfriend who’s an exotic dancer and a Puerto Rican bruja/witch; Chet Wayne, a racist ex-Army Ranger who’s been preparing for the apocalypse for years; and Barack Obama — yes, the actual president of the United States — who ends up in the eye of the storm, dealing not only with the hurricane but the zombie animal outbreak as well.
In short: EIGHT new issues – 800 new pages of content!
As some of you may have heard issues nine, ten ( OUT NOW ), eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, AND sixteen of cereal:geek are ready for pre-ordering – I hid myself away for a good few months earlier this year and FOCUSED like I’d never focused before…and the result was eight brand new issues full of content!
..ISSUE 10’s cover feature focus’s on TMNT SUPERMAN LEGEND – with awesome art and anime-article coverage by James himself sourced in part, for the first time ever by the Snapper you know n’ Loath .. TOKKA !!
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Catching up to your IDW TURTLES books like Tokka ??
Come’on ..we know some of ya are out there. GGM recognizes you hard workin’ Turtle Super-FANS matter n’ count just as many as the SUPER-NERDS workin’ for the big SUPER-NERD sites.
“Greetings TMNT fans!! IDW has been publishing the TMNT for nearly 2 full years (can you believe it?) and with every month that passes, the IDW TMNT cover gallery grows larger and larger. As the IDW TMNT database expands, the blog format has really made the usability a bit cumbersome. In other words, it’s become very difficult to find a given TMNT title, issue, TPB, or HC on my blog…especially those TMNT publications from months and months back.
Well, all that is over now. I’m pleased to announce that I’ve organized all the IDW TMNT Publications on my blog into 3 categories: Comic Books, Trade Paperbacks (TPB), and Hardcovers (HC). Within each of those categories you’ll find a list of every IDW TMNT Publication to date, neatly organized by title. Within each title you’ll find the links to every single issue for that title, listed in order of publication date.
All of this newly designed awesomeness can be found on the right side of the menu bar at the top of the blog. The menu is labeled “IDW TMNT Publications.” Just mouse over the menu and watch the magic happen!” –RICH
Here’s Rich’s run-down on the last of the third quarter & the beginning of the 4th on what you may already have or have yet to collect !! ::
My name is Scotty Fields, with your help I will shoot a fan film featuring most of the more popular characters. Basically the story revolves around an epic battle that Raphaell and Casey Jones have with Bebop and Rocksteady. As the fight ensues, more characters join the fray until the battle ends with an interdimensional standoff. I plan to use my almost 20 years of experience and resources to accomplish this optimistic endeavor. I have a well equipped shop with ample room to build the creatures. The film will be shot on digital but the creatures will be real anamatronics. Most of the characters will be guys in suits with some puppets and marionettes. I have a talented team of people helping me to accomplish these goals.
If you have seen our other short fan film “Marvel Zombies, The Movie”, imagine that kind of effort but ten fold. Wow I can’t wait, this is going to be rad.”