Update on the Mystery Mask!

Just got an e-mail from Kevin Coll, Executive Editor over at Fusedfilm.com, which is one of the sites that got ahold of the alleged new turtle sculpt (Go Check them out!)

I wanted to let you know i just got an email from someone who claims thatthis image belongs to someone that did as a design for his for make-upschool. Here is a quote from the email we got.

“Has NOTHING to do with the next TMNT reboot. It is in fact a student’sclass-project, done at Tom Savini’s make-up school, in South-WesternPennsylvania. If you’d like to contact the actual artist who made thismask, you can contact him here: (edited, sorry, I don’t release e-mails without permission -Steph)

Please! Next time, do some basic fact-checking, before posting “Anonymous”photos claiming it to be something it’s not. It will save you a TON of liability, and embarassment.”

Thanks for sharing Kevin!

So there you have it folks. Looks like a false alarm. Sorry…or…you’re welcome….depending on who you are 😉

The Rumor Mill is A-churnin’ !

I am not one for rumor mongering, so when this started floating its way around the inter-tubes, I was reluctant to post it here. HOwever; after the metric-butt-ton of emails I have recieved on the topic, I have decided to mention it.

About a week ago, rumors started a-flyin’ around the interwebs that this is a photo of a sculpt for the turtles for the next movie. Reception of this “news” have been very mixed. Some people hate the piece as it is such a huge departure from the “classic” turtles. Others love it, assuming that this is a solid sign of an edgier film.

Personally, I think it is unlikely that this is a head sculpt, as it has been noted on MANY occasions that the next movie will feature facial replacement technology (i.e. PotC’s Davy Jones).

I’ll work on trying to get some sort of confirmation from the studios, but until then, take this with a giant grain of salt.

Here are some sources:

Fresh From The Rumor Mill: 4Kids Entertainment For Sale?


For the record, this is still totally rumor status.

4Kids Entertainment (NYSE: KDE), the NYC-based kids entertainment media firm, has put itself up for sale, paidContent has learned. The company is going through a selective bidding process, and speaking to a few interested parties, according to a source familiar with the situation. 4Kids, founded in 1970 as Leisure Concepts Inc, is one of the larger owners, licensees and distributors of children’s TV in U.S., and is known for brands such as the Pokémon and Yu-Gi-Oh! Japanese anime franchises, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and Cabbage Patch Kids. It also has a kids trading cards business, which is HQed in San Diego, and owns a stake in TC Digital, the operator of the popular Chaotic trading card games and the website.

Until late last year it also ran two programming blocks on TV: the CW4Kids on The CW and 4Kids TV on FOX stations, but the latter ended in December. Since then, it has started an online site 4Kids.TV, where it streams full episodes of its shows. In 2006, 4Kids and Microsoft signed a deal to license children’s video games for the Xbox 360. (More about the company on Wikipedia.)

The company went through a 15 percent staff reduction last year to cut costs. Its stock price has been steadily declining for the last year or so, and has a market cap of less than $25 million now. Its revenues dropped to $10.5 million for Q109, compared to $15 million in Q108. With heavy competition from the likes of Disney, Turner and Nickelodeon, and the loss of Fox’s contract, the going has been tough for the company, and as PE and strategic players who value content libraries have been looking at the landscape, this might be as best a time as any for the company to sell, the thinking goes. Company’s response: “We don’t comment on rumors or speculation.”

Click the Pic for a Direct Link to the Article. Thanks to Hudemx of the technodrome for th heads up.