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–>> Neither movie accurate nor inaccurate;Varner Studio’s 2014 MOVIE shredder represents earlier ILM designs for Saki’s armor. One of the more talked about elements of the new film, thankfully this Shredder would reflect ‘somewhat’ more traditional incarnations of the character – if not an amalgam of many earlier incarnations.
Like VARNER’s Foot Soldier in the line, the final look of the manufactured figure may not represent the final look of the characters depicted onscreen, however with some effort and modification ( and imagination ) one CAN amazing things with these toys to better reflect the images in the actual film.
Presented here is a Shredder not entirely accurate to the film, but perhaps a blend of those earlier designs Varner Studios worked off off for the villain and a color scheme & wash similar to the effect of the final version of the Samurai inspired armor. Along with some original elements Tokka added to enhance the toy.
The studded cape of the figure is not present in the live-action portions of the film. However the illustrated / animated intro during Splinter’s voice-over features Shredder flanked by some armed Foot Soldiers. That image DOES feature a studded cape on Saki. From a certain point of view: the figure in reality emulates the early concept work for Saki, Eric Sacks mentions in the movie “upgrades” to the armor Shredder dons in the live-action. Retconning these facts in the movie, the figure hypothetically could be featuring an earlier version of Shredder’s armor PRE- the upgrades made by Eric Sacks and his crew.
Tokka’s presentation also gives a nod to a late great movie-inspired toy-line of the late 1990s & early aughts.
Seen any good MOVIE Turtles customs ?? Share ’em in the comments section !!
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Related notes ::
..mass roll-out for Joe Allard’s TMNT x LOYAL SUBJECTS start to hit stores like Barnes & Noble,as well as on L.S. online store!!
TNI :: Target Exclusive LEONARDO EVOLUTION 3-pack ; ***in Target stores & online.
***Also from TNI’s J.C. -Prime 1’s impressive RAPH movie stature from Japan, Production stills gallery here. A tough swallow for many at $700, but this is one of the highest-end collectables l.e.s of the year. ;
Prime 1 Studio is proud to present MMTMNT-01 Raphael from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2014. With his red bandana, and two sai in his belt, Raphael is the biggest of the brothers.. and his ego is probably even bigger. Raphael Statue features newly movable eye and features theme base fit with other brothers. TMNT fans, don’t miss your chance to own Raphael Statue on your collection. Approximately: H55cm, W55cm, D45cm Edition Size: 1500 Worldwide Retail Price: 699$USD
- Comic news from the now snowy Rocky Mountains and Mile-High Ninja Turtle; RICH ::
**TMNT/Ghostbusters #2 (IDW) – 2nd Printing
IDW Releases Nov.’14- Jan ’15 –
November, 2014
12 – Secret History of the Foot Clan, Workprint Edition HC; TMNT New Animated Adventures #17; Tales of the TMNT, Vol. 6 TPB
19 – TMNT Legends: Soul’s Winter by Michael Zulli
26 – TMNT #40; TMNT/Ghostbusters #2
December, 2014
03 – TMNT/Ghostbusters #3; TMNT/Ghostbusters #1, 2nd printing
10 – TMNT New Animated Adventures #18; TMNT Animated, Vol. 5 TPB; TMNT Classics, Vol. 9 TPB; TMNT Annual 2012 Deluxe Limited Edition HC; TMNT/Ghostbusters #2, 2nd printing
17 – TMNT: Turtles In Time TPB
31 – TMNT #41
January, 2015
07 – TMNT Adventures, Vol. 9 TPB; TMNT Color Classics, Vol. 3 #1; TMNT #42
14 – TMNT New Animated Adventures #19; TMNT New Animated Adventures Vol. 4 TPB
21 – TMNT/Ghostbusters #4
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