We have uploaded a bunch of production stills over on TurtleDoc.com
Here is a little taste of what is over there!
This is us in Brian Henson’s office over at the Jim Henson studio.
Here we are shooting with some of the voice cast from the original toon!
Here we are in Kevin’s studio while we shoot a segment on drawing Turtles.
We are off now on another leg of our journey on the crazy Turtle Doc experience, so keep an eye out for new updates!!
You know… I have to say, I am so glad Isaac is able to do this kind of thing and get some actual support with it.
Back when I was doing my senior film project in college, I had SO much support when I was first thinking up the idea. Dozens of people were all, “Oh, that sounds like fun! I’d help with that…” Thinking that this would work, I decided to create my own little character and do a story about it.
As soon as I made that decision, every single person whom had shown support originally suddenly didn’t have Any time to help me with anything. Students, teachers, everyone. They had to party on the weekends, but they couldn’t help me do a scene for a twenty minute video.
I was left alone to learn the entire filming process, alone to learn how to use the video editing program that Nobody on campus knew about… I even had to rebuild my entire project when somebody destroyed it while messing around with some stupid ‘fun’ project of theirs. After 4 weeks of 20hr days on Pinnacle Studios, countless computer crashes and a couple emotional breakdowns, I came to hate my little project and everything that had happened that final year of college.
I’ve had a very jaded view towards doing film-related projects ever since.. Because of the total absence of assistance that I received.
But it makes me SO glad that Isaac is able to do this project and get so much support from both fans AND the very people involved in the TMNT Franchise. Keep up the good work, Isaac and Co.. I can’t wait to see what’s in store for us.
…and that rant was longer than I expected, heh.
Hey Amy!
I am very sorry to hear you had such a rough time in school. My experience with film school was somewhat different in the fact that most people were very helpful, but it was me who had to change.
It was and still is in my nature to take everything on by myself. I tend to do every job because I thought I could to it better and get it done. It took a lot of crazy projects, fights, tears, and some amazing support from some good friends to help me learn to work with people and get the most out of everyone’s creative energy! Evidence of this process can be found in a feature film I shot a few years ago here: http://www.lifeofcharlie.com
That is not to say that even to this day I do not struggle with the sharing of “power” but I am getting a whole lot better at it. Live and learn, that is what I always go by and know that you will never stop learning no matter how tough it is.
I hope that this project will be as amazing to everyone as it has been for me! Thanks for the kind words of support!!
I’ve always been one to do things on my own as well. I actually wouldn’t mind hearing more about the technical aspect of creating a documentary like this. I do hope you throw together a little “Making of” vid with some of the behind the scenes stuff you may have. I can imagine you must have hundreds of hours of film by now…