Workin’ Fan’s Update ::** Honda Prepares TMNT MSX125/Grom Edition, William Fichtner + Shredder, THE Movie Turtles ‘Look’, Turtle “LIPS,TMNT TOS, Cereal Geek,PEZ ,et. al. **

Thanks to autoevolution & Via mocyclover. ::

It looks like the recently-launched Honda MSX125 or Honda Grom, as it is marketed in some countries brings back both the monkey bike allure and some nostalgic cartoon characters from the 80’s and 90’s. Honda announced 4 new liveries for the Grom, in color schemes representing the 4 main characters from the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles cartoon series.

These amazing bikes will come in the following liveries: Michelangelo (orange), Donatello (purple), Rafaello (red) and Leonardo (blue).

Honda’s TNMT-themed bikes are expected to show up at the Tokyo Auto Salon in mid-January, an event held in the Japanese capital and dedicated to tuning and aftermarket bike and car parts.

Each bike comes with the corresponding character on the side panels and turtle-shell pattern seat.

Unfortunately, there’s no word on whether these awesome Grom machines will remain just a show-off exercise for Honda, or will they make into production, as most of us would love to see things happen.

• •

William Fichtner

Even though we saw quite a few set photos for the upcoming Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles film, we still don’t know exactly what the characters will look like since the actors were all wearing motion capture suits. Idle Hands (special thanks to Ruxxon for the link) has now run a report from an unnamed source that saw the first incarnation of action figures for the upcoming film which revealed a slew of details about the character’s designs.

Keep in mind that these designs are for the action figures and may not reflect the characters’ final appearance in the film, but they’ll likely be close.

To start, the source says the four turtles have their respective weapons and are quite “traditional” in their turtle design, though he says they appear to have “less texture” than the turtles from the films in the early ’90s. He also notes that the figures retain the “hunched over” posture that can be seen in the set photos and that each turtle seemingly has a different physique. Raphael reportedly is the most muscular of the bunch followed by Leonardo. Donatello is said to boast a “slimmer, leaner” look while Michaelangelo is said to be the shortest of the bunch. And don’t worry, Idle Hands‘ source says each of the turtles has their respective colored masks.

In their description of Master Splinter, the site’s source says he bears a “very traditional design” with a Fu Manchu style moustache and his hair pulled up in a bun of sorts. They also note that he wears a “slightly tattered samurai outfit with a blue upper half with gold accents, tan lower belted robes and blocky sandals.”

The site’s description of Shredder is where things start to get interesting. Their source notes that the character has “pointy edges coming off of absolutely anything” on his suit and that he is “covered head to toe in metal armor or blades.” They do add that his helmet is “pseudo-traditional, adopting elements of the classic look” though they say they believe “He’ll be the stuff of ridicule for some time.”

It might be a few more months before we get to see the characters in an official capacity, but with Toy Fair 2014 set to begin in February, it may come sooner than later. .. ..


–>> The only thing Tokka can add to that is from MY source ::

The Turtles have lips “, based on what source saw themselves of the models. What i was told. That is ALL i really know, take it with a grain of salt.

The only other cinema-related thing i know .. big n’ green that has lips is ::
Pucker up .. MUAAA ~~~~~ **

.. i’ll stay on this one !!

• •

TMNT TOS and cartoon related notes ::

"TOON TURTLES" TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES :: TOON DON  ..Authentic Animation Card #763  - isolated (( 1992 ))

cereal geek : 10, 11!!

I am happy to report that issues 11 and 12 of cereal:geek are on their way to the printers and should be available to purchase before the end of the month! 🙂
For those that pre-ordered the magazines, they will automatically be shipped to you as soon as the ink is dry! 🙂
And if you want to support the magazine further, please pre-order the forthcoming issues – The sooner we can get ’em printed the better! 🙂 — James Eatock

Brand New LLC:: "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" - GIANT PEZ Candy Roll Dispenser, 'MICHELANGELO'  { 2006 reissue } xi // ..with standard 'Michelangelo' '05 PEZ dispenser, 'Michelangelo' '94 Angry & Smiling PEZ Dispensers (( 2010 ))

  • note, we have confirmation of the THIRD incarnation of TMNT PEZ dispensers ( due in JULY ) to coincide with the release of Paramount’s TMNT film, but NO new pix just yet. Maybe Toy Fair or related trade shows will revelal summin’ soon. But as it stands, i just don’t know if the new PEZ heads will be based on the new Movie or off of the designs of the NICK T.V. show.

I’m avid about PEZ.. rest assured i’ll stay on this.

~ t

Workin’ Fans UPDATE :: SURF NINJAS 20,Digger Mesch’s Zombie Killer Obama Halted,HUN,Cereal Geek,Glo n’ GROW Turtles, The return of Rahzar – et. al.

• •

An interesting, controversial, suspicious and speculative bit on Digger’s THE OTHER DEAD ::

“The creators of “The Other Dead” are three heavy-hitters in the comic industry: Joshua Ortega (Gears of War), Digger T. Mesch (Agent 88), and Kevin Eastman (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles). The cover is also the work of a well-known comic book illustrator, Dave Dorman.

Suddenly, though, there’s a hitch in the publisher’s plans to release the comic on the 12th anniversary of the 9/11 attack on America, and you’ll never guess why: a moth infestation.”


**U.S. Customs’ Delays 9/11 Release Of An Obama Zombie-Killing Comic Book Cover For Political Reasons** via MR.CONSERVATIVE


Rocky Mountain comic bits for the rest of the month from Rich ::

September, 2013


Dear all,
In order to get issues 11 and 12 of cereal:geek printed I need roughly 45 pre-orders of each issue! 🙂
You can pre-order the issues together:
OR you can buy them separately:
And to be honest, 131415, and 16 aren’t far behind either…
And if you have yet to purchase issues 9 and 10 then please do so, and show your love for cereal:geek – The magazines (which are now printed) will be posted immediately! 🙂

• •

Rest easy with the TURTLES.** TMNT  DREAM LITES @ TRU **

..of note, an interesting & weird Turtle license as of late are the uber-cute and ‘RETRO’ styled Turtle DREAM LITES assortment. TMNT & Hello Kitty apparently are among the first licensed franchises to be adapted to the popular “starry night-light” stuffed animal assortment. Interesting how they utilize the ‘Retro’ styling to the mainly children’s product. H’m ..what a great way for kids and adult TMNT fans to bond; and maybe even to provide some comfort from the dark for the littlest of fans ( or nerdiest of MEGA-FANS   >;B  ..   j/k ).

Grow Turtles ..another oddball courtesy of John S. ::

Coming out of their shells: keep your eyes peeled for obscure items like these at your local dollar stores. Water Grow Turtles, Dollar General in SC, $4


** Courtesy of TOYARK & thanks to Ken ::


Hurrijack over at ***The Technodrome has posted new photos of Ninja Turtles listings recently found in store computers(Walmart?). These reveal several upcoming figures, some role play items and a few vehicles. Some interesting figures are listed:

  • Mutagen Man
  • Rahzar
  • Kirby Bat
  • Casey Jones
  • Bebop
  • Rocksteady
  • Tiger Claw
  • Slash

Note that these listings are for the current cartoon toyline, not for the Classics line. We’ve attached the photos of the listings so read on to check them out.


~ t

tOkKA’s “CEREAL GEEK” publicity stunt ..

tOkKA's "CEREAL GEEK" publicity stunt ..

Cereal Geek Issue #4’s  hot listing in February’s PREVIEWS springs into SPRING with supposed  April ***cereal geek solicitation.

Hit up and ask your local comic book retailer about C.G. now !! !!

“The magazine has been “certified COOL”; which is defined on Diamond’s website as “[publications that are] so cool that they deserve to be singled out” and “will broaden your entertainment experience and the industry” – With that kind of praise I may even buy a copy! 🙂 – As before, please command your local comic shop to order cereal:geek, and continue to spread the word .. “

*** “..and be sure to order the Super Famous, Uber Limited CG :: SHE-RA poster..” ***

..all the Fan Boys in the Horde already ordered theirs and Adora’s pretty, pink facade is already gracing the Fright Zone locker rooms, so there’s prolly like two left.

Good luck with that one !!

.. C.G. issue 6 due in the next few quarters !! !!

~ t

Cereal:geek - animation of the eighties issue 6 ::   back cover by Various (( 2010 ))


Tales of the TMNT v.2 #19 ..signed by writer Ross May (( January 2006 ))

Ross May :: ” .. .. I’m holding a Halloween-themed
contest on my blog. People can send me an email with an attached image
of them in any sort of costume, and I’ll pick two winners to receive
Horrific Tales #2 (an anthology I contributed to that’s out this
month) and my moldy old Tales of the TMNT #19 and 22, all signed by


I know this is self-serving of me to tell you about it but hey,
thought maybe turtle-fans might be interested.


Cereal:geek – animation of the eighties issue 3 :: " APRIL Snapshot " by Cody Constable (( 2008 ))

Cereal:geek - animation of the eighties issue 3 ::   " APRIL Snapshot " by Cody Constable  (( 2008 ))


–>> Just another reason why Cereal Geek is one of the finest quarterlies being published today.

” .. April O’Neil, Channel 6 News !! ”




Cereal:geek - animation of the eighties issue 3 ::   " TOP TRUMPS OF THE EIGHTIES - SHREDDER  " by Ric Nicolls (( 2008 ))

Cereal:geek – animation of the eighties issue 3 :: ” TOP TRUMPS OF THE EIGHTIES – SHREDDER ” by Ric Nicolls (( 2008 ))