TMNT Smash-Up Review for Wii and Exclusive Interview with Associate Producer of TMNT Smash-Up Matt Leunig

Fugitoid Vs Donatello

At long last my review of TMNT Smash-Up. Sorry for the lateness

Our Heroes in a Half Shell are back and looking for a fight. Most of us grew up playing TMNT Tournament Fighters for SNES, NES or Genesis. Smash Up is a return to old school, but now four players can now join in the action.

The Characters

The Turtles , Fugitoid, and Foot Ninja- are over all well balanced except for Don he is a little slow but he makes up for it with powerful attacks and range.
Splinter, Casey Jones, Shredder, Utrominator, and Nightwatcher- are the power houses being a bit slow but pack a mean punch. Shredders Sword of Tengu charge move fully powered up does 400 to 450 damage.
April O’Neil and Karai are the fastest characters in the game and great to use in a four player frenzy.

The Stages

Fans will appreciate the The Turtle themed stages, my personal favorite is the Space Lab as it shows the Triceraton Home World revolving in the background. The other turtles stages are The Lair from the 2K7 movie, Splinters Dojo from the 2K7 movie, The Underground aka Technodrome Rampage stage, The Sewer and warehouse from the 2K7 movie to name a few.

Gameplay The game is similar to Super Smash Bros in certain respects, but with several differences. Each character in the game is completely different from the next and has their own style and move set. The stages are more varied in size and have active hazards such as giant alligators to a burning castle. The controls could be a little tighter as they are not very responsive at times. Another minor problem is that characters stay on the ground to long after being knocked down. A cool feature is the ability to run up walls and jump attack towards your opponent.

Final Thoughts

Over all I was pleased with Smash-Up. I would have liked to have seen more Turtles theme stages and playable characters such as Usagi Yojimbo, Krang in Android body, Slash, Metalhead 80s and 2K3, Triceraton Warrior to name a few. Ubisoft did a great job and I hope we will get Smash-Up 2. In the mean time TMNT Arcade Attack is due out 11/10/09 for Gameboy DS.

My exclusive Interview with Matt Leunig Associate Producer of TMNT Smash-Up.

Mike-Sama: First off Matt thank you for taking the time to do this interview.

Matt: Thank you for letting me be your 1st interview. I feel very special and don’t want to blow this.

Mike-Sama: Why did the team at Ubisoft decide to make a new Turtles Fighting Game?

Matt: We had the license and wrapped up the 2007 game based on the movie. That game really came about because there was a movie being released so people were unsure as to what to do next. Our office in San Francisco was able to swoop it up and we knew we wanted to try and make something different. The 25th anniversary was happening and we knew we didn’t have to tie to a specific movie or cartoon release. In the meantime we were talking with GameArts about working on a project together and everything just kind of ended up fitting together. TMNT: Tournament Fighters was the last and only real “turtle vs. turtle”-fighter style game that had come out and the genre was completely unexplored. We are all TMNT fans here and really took a look at a number of different fighting games to pull influence from (Power Stone, Tekken, Street Fighter, DOA, etc.). We approached Mirage and they were into it.

Mike-Sama:How did you decide what characters to include in the game? Were there any characters that you wanted to include but didn’t have time to include them because of deadlines?

Matt: When beginning a game you have to design with a certain scope (schedule, budget, etc.) in mind. Most of the fighting games out there; your Tekken’s, your Smash Bros, your Street Fighters; are all on their 4th or 5th iteration and have had the ability to build their rosters to ridiculous amounts of characters. We knew with this being our 1st iteration of the series that it would be hard to match that. Instead we tried to focus on a few solid characters and wanted to make each feel different. Quality over quantity. Sure some look the same (4 turtles) but each has their own feel to it. When choosing the roster we knew from the start the short list of “must-have” characters that needed to appear and worked directly with Mirage and Peter to choose our final list. Peter has his favorites and we tried to mix it up from different eras of the TMNT history. Some characters didn’t translate well into a fighting game and others just didn’t make the list in the end. I have a number of favorites that unfortunately got the axe in the end, but hey… there is always a next time.

Mike-Sama: Why did you decide to use the 2007 designs instead of say the comic versions or the 2K3 versions?

Matt: We really liked how the 2007 CG models looked compared to the 2k3 series. The CG model were a lot more slimmed down and athletic looking and felt like real ninjas rather than the 2k3 models which were blocky, angular and too muscular looking. They just translated really well into the video game world. We experimented with some other looks but they just looked to odd and ended up using the 2007 models as a base to start from. We took characteristics of characters from the 2k3 series (exp. Shredder, Fugitoid, Foot Soldier, etc..) the 2007 movie (exp. Nightwatcher, April), the toys and the comics and made sure that the models themselves were very expressionate. Everyone has their favorite version of the ninja turtles so we wanted to just get a bit of everything in there.

Mike-Sama: How involved were Peter Laird and the Mirage Team in the development of the game?

Matt: They were there every step of the way. We ran everything through those guys. Everything from character models to storymode ideas to sound effects. Our team here took a number of trips down to Northampton to work in-house with them and showed them the game during different stages of its production cycle. A real treat was working with Eric Talbot, Jim Lawson, Steve Lavigne & Stephen Murphy on the cut-scenes and comicbook that came with the game. We really wanted that old-school look and they dusted off and tracked down the last of the old toning paper they used to use for that signature scratchy zip-a-tone look. We definitely wanted all those guys to be involved from day one.

Mike-Sama:It’s been 25 years since the original comic was released. Fans that grew up with the comic have longed for a darker ninja turtles game. Is there any chance of seeing this happen say in a Assassins Creed style game?

Matt: I would love to see a game like that. It could be rad. It would be a lot more difficult to pull off though. Assassins and Batman and GTA, all these open world stealth-action based games are extremely solo based in their gameplay. The beauty of the turtles and a number of the old TMNT games (arcade) is that you got that feeling of the team by having all 4 turtles going at it at once. That is something that doesn’t really translate over to those more open-world games. Another huge factor is that the age range of TMNT fans is everywhere from little kids to their parents and beyond. Doing a “Mature” rated game chops a huge portion of your fan base out of the equation which video game companies don’t like to hear. I grew up on the darker comics and think a bloody “M” rated would be awesome but another portion of TMNT fans connect more to the 80’s cartoon and others to the 2k3 cartoon series and the goal is to try and please everyone. I will say there is definitely a push lately with the brand to go back to more of its darker roots. I think the new 2011 movie will be a lot more serious and somewhat darker than people expect and future games other turtles related properties will reflect this.

Mike-Sama: Is there any chance Ubisoft would release a complete Original Turtles Game Collection? Pretty much every turtles game that was released on Arcade, NES, Gameboy, SNES, and Genesis?

Matt: That’s tough. We don’t own the rights to those games. Konami does. We worked with them to release the TMNT: Turtles in Time Re-Shelled (XBLA) game that just came out so it is possible. Another problem that comes up is getting the rights to bring games from other platforms (NES, SNES, Gameboy, Genesis, etc..) to other systems that are not Nintendo based. It becomes a legal matter. In the end, something like this depends on the fans. If they clamor enough for a certain title like they did for Turtles in Time people are listening.

Mike-Sama: Now that the Premium Theme is out on Xbox360 can we expect Gamer Pictures any time soon?

Matt: I couldn’t say. Not my dept. But if fans are clamoring for it and the Premium Theme does well, it would definitely make a lot of sense.

Mike-Sama: Would you like to see Peter Laird and the Mirage team stay involved with future turtles games?

Matt: Oh yeah, they have to be. They are the turtles. Without them it doesn’t make sense to make a game. It was a dream for me working with them on this game and they were great to work with. They really gave us access to their huge library of TMNT history. You can be certain that whatever the future holds for TMNT video games Gary, Peter and the Mirage team will be involved.

Mike-Sama: Finally Matt what does the future hold for the Turtles game franchise?

Matt: We’ll see. Unfortunately I don’t have answer for you on that right now. I would love to see more TMNT titles in the near future. I think this 25th Anniversary has rekindled the love for the brand for a lot of people and with the new movie coming up the turtles are gonna be making a big comeback.

It was great to chat Turtles with Matt, he is just as big a fan as the rest of us. So be sure to pick up TMNT Smash-Up for Wii and TMNT Turtles in Time Reshelled on Xbox Live. – “TOKKA – ECKS ” Donation Sketch :: RAY FILLET vs. foul play - "TOKKA - ECKS " Donation Sketch :: RAY FILLET vs. foul play

** “Tokka – ECKS” Button Ordering and sketch information can be found here !! **

GoGreenMachine.Org To Publish Fan Driven Content Book


When GoGreenMachine.Org was created, it’s intention was to be a collaborative project to bring people from all corners of the Ninja Turtle Multi-verse together. To centralize the passion, creativity, and love we have for the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles so that we could enjoy them on a level that had not previously been possible. While we think we have gone a long way toward this goal, we aren’t there yet. Which is why, today, I am pleased to announce our newest project:

Go Green Machine! – A Collection of Fan-tasic Art and Stories (Working Title)

After quite some time of sorting permissions and working out logistics, GoGreenMachine.Org is taking the next step in bringing the fans together and making your voices heard. We are publishing a book! But who is going to write this masterpiece? You Are.

Starting immediately, GoGreenMachine.Org will begin taking submissions of fan generated TMNT related art, photos, fiction, mini comics, personal profiles, stories, and anything else you can think of! A large selection of these works will be chosen to be included in the publication. This book is going to be created by the fans, for the fans. Our goal is to create a high quality tome of content that each of you can be proud of and allow you to make your mark in the mythos of the TMNT. You’ve given so much of yourself to the boys in green. Now it’s time for you to show the world.

Rules For Submission:
In an effort to not stifle creative juices, we would like to set as few rules as possible. If we are going to use something you submit but it needs to be modified for whatever reason, we will work with you to make it right. But please, no nudity or overtly sexual themes or scenes. Swearing and ninja-violence is ok.

All submissions must be 100% created BY YOU, and not have been published in anything else before.

What We Are Looking For:
Although we are hoping that people suprise us with content we didn’t even KNOW we were looking for, here is a list of ideas to get your brain jumping:

Art – This can be something you’ve done recently or something from your childhood
Photos – Were you at an event? Meet the Mirage gang at a Con? Run into Kevin at the supermarket? Or just had a Turtle-rific 8th birthday party? We want to see it!
Life Stories – If you’ve read this far into this announcement, chances are, the Turtles have touched your lives in amazing ways none of us could even dream of. So tell us!
Fiction – Are you one of those very talented writers who love putting our heroes in death defying situations? Tell us a story.

How To Submit:
Submit any entries directly to our administrator at: Stephan@GoGreenMachine.Org

All submissions must be accompanied by a high resolution photo of yourself (strongly encouraged, but optional), and a breif bio. These will most likely be included in the publication somehow to give each of you proper credit.

The Fine Print:
In submitting anything to us for publication, you are automatically stating that we have the right to publish your work without any compensation to you. Understand that you are doing this because you want to be part of something bigger than yourself, not because you are looking for a payday.

While we do not take ownership of any of the material you submit, we would ask that you not use these materials in future official publications. Blogs, social netowrking sites, etc are fine.


Q: Am I getting paid for this?
A: No. No compensation will be given. As mentioned before, you are doing this out of love your our fandom, and to make your mark in the turtle universe.

Q: Are YOU getting paid for this?
A: Yes and No. Publishing this book is most likely going to be very, very expensive. Currently, GoGreenMachine plans to publish the book ourselves. Out of our own pocket (somewhat fitting given the origin of the Turtles). So we can promise you that any money we make off these books will go to repaying our investment, funding the site (which is also paid for out of pocket by us), and investing into further TMNT fan projects. The bottom line is that this is a labor of love. You don’t walk away rich from something like this.

Q: When is the book going to be released?
A: We are shooting for a release in the neighborhood of the 2011 Turtles movie. That is of course, subject to change.

Q: If I submit material, am I guaranteed to be in the book?
A: Unfortunately No. The book will undoubtedly have a page limit, and if we get as large of a response as we are hoping, we are going to have to be selective.

Q: What is the deadline for submission?
A: Currently there isn’t one. So just send us stuff till we tell you to stop.

Q: Is there a limit to the number of submissions I can make?
A: Not officially, just use your best judgement.

Q: I would like to help fund, distribute, produce, edit, or design this book.
A: If you would like to help with the project in some other way than content submission, you may contact our administrator at Stephan@GoGreenMachine.Org. Relevent work experience in graphic arts, design, consumer products, etc. will most likely be required.

Any other inquires can be made to our administrator at Stephan@GoGreenMachine.Org

This Project is offically public knowledge, so please, spread the word!


“TURTLES FOREVER” – FATHOM promo poster art v.1 // Art by Keith Conroy,Andy Bradshaw ,Khary Randolph, Adrian Barrios, Jimmy Tran & Emilio Lopez (( 2009 )) [[ Courtesy of Emilio Lopez ]]

"TURTLES FOREVER" - FATHOM promo poster art v.1 // Art by Keith Conroy,Andy Bradshaw ,Khary Randolph, Adrian Barrios, Jimmy Tran & Emilio Lopez  (( 2009 )) [[ Courtesy of Emilio Lopez ]]


Keith Conroy – Poster Design, Final Line art Clean up 80’s Turtles and Foot

Andy Bradshaw – Pencil art for 80’s Turtles and foot and Final Line art Clean up

Khary Randolph – Pencil art for 03 Turtles and foot

Adrian Barrios – Final Line art Clean up for 03 Turtles

Jimmy Tran – Color

Emilio Lopez – Color and Illustration of background shredder

“This piece was done for promotion of the Fathom event By all of the art staff. It was done in a crunch. we essentially finished this in 2 days. I wound up staying till 2am doing the composite you see here. Though this version was not what was finally used, I still thought you guys should see it.

enjoy” — E.L.





Turtles Forever: the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 25th Anniversary Shell-ebration


The classic Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles from the 1980’s are back for one night with a new adventure set in the present day with the Turtles of the 21st Century!  On Thursday, October 29th at 7:00pm (local time) experience more Ninja Turtles than ever before – so many that we could only fit them on the BIG screen.  What’s more – discover the true story of the origin of the Ninja Turtles at this exclusive event!

Tickets are limited and will be on sale to the general public beginning Wednesday, September 30th, 2009. Click here to receive an email reminder when tickets go on sale. Cowabunga!

Click here for a list of participating theatres.

In order to create the perfect 25th anniversary celebration for the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles in movie theatres nationwide, this event will begin with an introduction by the turtles themselves.  Following the feature, Turtles fans will learn how the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles came to be.  Through rare original comic book art, archival pictures and all new interviews, co-creator Peter Laird, tells how he and Kevin Eastman came up with the Turtles with highlights of huge Turtle moments from the past 25 years.

This ninja tag-team extraordinaire begins when the new the gigantic, evil, and terrifying Technodrome (a giant mobile battle station from the original 1988 TMNT animated series) suddenly appears in our world, carrying with it the original 1988 series Ninja Turtles.  Our world’s Leonardo, Raphael, Donatello and Michelangelo find themselves with a huge mystery to solve and four crazy Turtles to babysit!  Can the Turtles of the past and the Turtles of the present stop annoying each other long enough to stop all of time and space from unraveling?  It’s a must-see special event for the millions of Turtles fans everywhere — a  journey across multiple dimensions that’s full of twists, turns, and more Ninja Turtles than you’ve ever seen before.