TMNT FF : Lost Ep – Master Fighter 2105 & Variant Costume Shirts

Marial Artist ii :: TMNT : Fast Forward  {  Lost Episode - "Master Fighter 2105"  } [[ Courtesy 4kids TMNT Blog ]]

–>> KICK Arse 4kids TMNT Blog post !!

“This entry features a special look at designs from the unproduced episode of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Fast Forward “Master Fighter 2105 .. “

**..View the Animatic preview here for this never aired episode and unlock the FULL ANIMATIC with your 4kids Bonus points !!**


****Last year , 80’s Tees  was offering this TMNT costume shirt. Exclusive of the design. ( I believe it’s still available. )

80s Tees exclusive :: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Costume shirt i

*** My Party Shirt is offering four variations of this shirt featuring the guys’ weapons and initialed, coloured belts.


The site is online store  with some amazing costume shirts, including some awesome Toon Ghostbusters shirt selections ( Even Louis Tully,Mr.Stay – Puft, and Janine !! And More !! ). The prices are decent too !!


LionsGate Audio Sample Widget


Have you see this neat little widget app LionsGate put together in celebration of the season 7 DVD releases?

Check it out! Click the pic.

IGN Features A Segment of the Season 7 Special Features

Ok, first off, I just want to put it out there that I had nothing to do with this. So don’t think I went and got sneaky to get myself on IGN.

Anyways, IGN has posted part of the interview I did with SuperheroHQ on behalf of Lions Gate for the Season 7 DVDs. This segment features Kevin and I talking about my tattoos. Click the Pic.

TMNT Continuities

Speak of the devil! Today’s TMNT25 blog post is a fun and light hearted explaination of the different continuities of the TMNT by Ross May. Click on young Ross for the full blog.

TurtleDoc Update: TMNT Cast Interviews


Hi everyone! Tonight I am blogging on behalf of myself, Isaac, and the rest of the TurtleDoc Crew. Today…for me…was the perfect day. Isaac, Myself, and his crew spent the entire day at the Beverly Hills Eastman estate to interview practically the entire original voice cast of the 90’s Turtles cartoon (Plus Brian Tochi, the voice of Leonardo from the films!)

I arrived at the house at about 11 am (WITH DONUTS!). When I arrived, Brian Tochi (Leonardo – Films) and Barry Gordon (Donatello) were already there with Isaac and Crew. Rob Paulsen (Raphael) soon arrived.


While Brian was getting solo interviewed, I stole Rob and Barry away to our Greenroom. Townsend Coleman (Mikey) soon joined us…They were all so happy! Some of them not having seen each other in a great many years!




Over the course of a couple hours, everyone else showed up…most of whom felt as if this was a reunion for which they were very grateful for. Soon Renae Jacobs (April), Pat Fraley (Krang), and James Avery (Shredder) joined our party!


While a wonderful group interview was being conducted… Kevin Eastman Snuck in the door. Who said he could come to our party…at his house… 😛


There was a fantastic vibe from the whole thing, and even the members of the crew who weren’t turtle fans at the beginning of the day, were bleeding green by the end! Toward the end of the day, Peter Renaday (Splinter) and Cam Clarke (Leonardo) dropped by to have their say as well!



All in all, a fantastic day for not only myself, but for the voice cast and the TurtleDoc team as well! I don’t think any of us will ever forget this day! The TurtleDoc is coming, folks…And you’re going to be blown away!

Special thanks for this post go out to Isaac, Mark, Randal, Curtis, and Ashley! Go Green Machine!




