GoGreenMachine.Org To Publish Fan Driven Content Book


When GoGreenMachine.Org was created, it’s intention was to be a collaborative project to bring people from all corners of the Ninja Turtle Multi-verse together. To centralize the passion, creativity, and love we have for the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles so that we could enjoy them on a level that had not previously been possible. While we think we have gone a long way toward this goal, we aren’t there yet. Which is why, today, I am pleased to announce our newest project:

Go Green Machine! – A Collection of Fan-tasic Art and Stories (Working Title)

After quite some time of sorting permissions and working out logistics, GoGreenMachine.Org is taking the next step in bringing the fans together and making your voices heard. We are publishing a book! But who is going to write this masterpiece? You Are.

Starting immediately, GoGreenMachine.Org will begin taking submissions of fan generated TMNT related art, photos, fiction, mini comics, personal profiles, stories, and anything else you can think of! A large selection of these works will be chosen to be included in the publication. This book is going to be created by the fans, for the fans. Our goal is to create a high quality tome of content that each of you can be proud of and allow you to make your mark in the mythos of the TMNT. You’ve given so much of yourself to the boys in green. Now it’s time for you to show the world.

Rules For Submission:
In an effort to not stifle creative juices, we would like to set as few rules as possible. If we are going to use something you submit but it needs to be modified for whatever reason, we will work with you to make it right. But please, no nudity or overtly sexual themes or scenes. Swearing and ninja-violence is ok.

All submissions must be 100% created BY YOU, and not have been published in anything else before.

What We Are Looking For:
Although we are hoping that people suprise us with content we didn’t even KNOW we were looking for, here is a list of ideas to get your brain jumping:

Art – This can be something you’ve done recently or something from your childhood
Photos – Were you at an event? Meet the Mirage gang at a Con? Run into Kevin at the supermarket? Or just had a Turtle-rific 8th birthday party? We want to see it!
Life Stories – If you’ve read this far into this announcement, chances are, the Turtles have touched your lives in amazing ways none of us could even dream of. So tell us!
Fiction – Are you one of those very talented writers who love putting our heroes in death defying situations? Tell us a story.

How To Submit:
Submit any entries directly to our administrator at: [email protected]

All submissions must be accompanied by a high resolution photo of yourself (strongly encouraged, but optional), and a breif bio. These will most likely be included in the publication somehow to give each of you proper credit.

The Fine Print:
In submitting anything to us for publication, you are automatically stating that we have the right to publish your work without any compensation to you. Understand that you are doing this because you want to be part of something bigger than yourself, not because you are looking for a payday.

While we do not take ownership of any of the material you submit, we would ask that you not use these materials in future official publications. Blogs, social netowrking sites, etc are fine.


Q: Am I getting paid for this?
A: No. No compensation will be given. As mentioned before, you are doing this out of love your our fandom, and to make your mark in the turtle universe.

Q: Are YOU getting paid for this?
A: Yes and No. Publishing this book is most likely going to be very, very expensive. Currently, GoGreenMachine plans to publish the book ourselves. Out of our own pocket (somewhat fitting given the origin of the Turtles). So we can promise you that any money we make off these books will go to repaying our investment, funding the site (which is also paid for out of pocket by us), and investing into further TMNT fan projects. The bottom line is that this is a labor of love. You don’t walk away rich from something like this.

Q: When is the book going to be released?
A: We are shooting for a release in the neighborhood of the 2011 Turtles movie. That is of course, subject to change.

Q: If I submit material, am I guaranteed to be in the book?
A: Unfortunately No. The book will undoubtedly have a page limit, and if we get as large of a response as we are hoping, we are going to have to be selective.

Q: What is the deadline for submission?
A: Currently there isn’t one. So just send us stuff till we tell you to stop.

Q: Is there a limit to the number of submissions I can make?
A: Not officially, just use your best judgement.

Q: I would like to help fund, distribute, produce, edit, or design this book.
A: If you would like to help with the project in some other way than content submission, you may contact our administrator at [email protected]. Relevent work experience in graphic arts, design, consumer products, etc. will most likely be required.

Any other inquires can be made to our administrator at [email protected]

This Project is offically public knowledge, so please, spread the word!


“MAGGOT MAN” design by S.R. Bisstette & Ryan Brown (( 1989 )) [[ Courtesy of SRB ]]

"MAGGOT MAN" design by S.R. Bisstette  (( 1989 )) [[ Courtesy of SRB ]]

Hey, look what I found this weekend! This is a blast from my checkered past, a 20-year-old monster movie design for a movie that was never made.
Back in early August, TMNT fan, Myrant reader and artist in his own right tOkKa wrote my old Mirage Studios friend Ryan Brown, asking about one of the many snapping turtle monster designs I’ve posted on Myrant this year.
Ryan recalled, “My memory is sketchy about this but… The proposed film Steve mentions was by my friend Jon Killough (Skinned Alive, 1990; Robot Ninja, 1989; The Dead Next Door, 1989)…”

Ryan continued, “I was asked by Jon to create a mutant leech monster for the never-produced flick and I mentioned to Jon that I might be able to get Steve Bissette to design for the film.”
Ryan indeed got a design sketch or two from me — and it’s the best of ‘em I’ve put on sale here today.
Ryan adds, “Jon had worked on The Dead Next Door (1989) and was proceeding with new film projects with his friend J.R. Bookwalter. In mid-1985 Sam Raimi put up some money for Jon’s 19-year-old friend J.R. Bookwalter to film The Dead Next Door. Bookwalter shot the film in Akron, Ohio during the summer of 1986 with area residents playing zombies. Fangoria wrote about the film in the March, 1987 issue. Jon was involved heavily with this film.”

"MAGGOT MAN" design by Ryan Brown (( 1989 )) [[ Courtesy of SRB ]]

But Maggot Man was never made, to the best of Ryan’s and my knowledge.
Thanks to tOkKa’s email, though, I got to thinking about that project and just this past Sunday turned up this wormboy. Thanks, tOkKa and Ryan, for reminding me of that which was long forgotten!
Just to be clear, my Maggot Man sketch is what’s for sale here; I’ve included a scan from the photocopy I kept of Ryan’s sketch for historical purposes only (I am not selling Ryan’s artwork, folks).
This uber-rare Maggot Man sketch is huge — the original measures 14″ x 22″, drawn with black pen and marker, some pencil underdrawing is visible; it’s on 2-ply board that is slightly discolored with age around the edges with a very minor 1/4″ tear at the bottom, center. This is vintage work, and goes for $135 plus shipping — first to email me at [email protected] can forever gaze upon this maggot, man.
Per usual, first Myrant price is forever the best price — in a day or two, I’ll be taking this off its Myrant debut slot and moving it to the sketchstore archives and Comic Art Fans Gallery at a higher price.

**2009 sketches and much vintage art can be snapped up 24 hours a day in the Sketch Store section (click this link), which offers a monstrous menagerie of still-for-sale Bissette sketches — Swamp Thing, Godzilla, Tyrant, Constantine, Vermonsters and many published original art rarities — for your pleasure.

***All 2009 sketches, sold and unsold, are archived in the Sketch Gallery, free viewing at all times, enjoy the show. “– SRB

Maggot Man created by Jon Killough and Ryan Brown, 1989; Ryan Brown’s Maggot Man artwork ©1989, 2009 Ryan Brown; my Maggot Man artwork and design ©1989, 2009 Stephen R. Bissette, all rights reserved.

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That New Toy Smell Video Review of the 25th Party Wagon

ThatNewToySmell.com has put out a video review of the 25th anniversary Party Wagon. Check it out 🙂

TMNT Party Van 3-D Bead Sprite & Tutorial by Dr.Octoroc

–>> Well there’s Stephan’s Party Wagon ..
well sorta .

“Time for another small scale 3-D bead sprite model in the series of a classic TV and movie cars, the Party Van from the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles cartoon. Of course, it’s based more on the toy that came out in the 80’s. Check out the tutorial for the TMNT Party Van bead sprite here.”

** Dr. Octoroc

Jake Black Cancer Update


For those of you who don’t know. Our dear friend and Tales of the TMNT writer, Jake Black, is battling cancer. Well via his blog Jake gives us a very encouraging update!

Here is an update I sent out to friends and family…

Just have had a couple of pieces of good news with regard to my cancer treatment, and we wanted to get the word out.

Back in June I was hospitalized for a week due to a very bad reaction to one of the four chemo drugs. That drug caused some permanent scarring/damage to my lungs.

On Tuesday this week I had a PET CT scan–a test to see size/locations/metabolic rates of cancer cells. The radiologist reviewing the report said that everything is shrinking very well, and that the cancer cells are no longer metabolizing anything. In other words, they’re dead. The chemo has worked. I’m not officially in remission, yet, but we are getting close! 🙂

I have three more chemo sessions to go. We want to make sure we really kill the cancer cells. My final treatment session is scheduled for September 24.

There was initially talk of following up on the chemo with six weeks of daily radiation treatments, which would last until around Thanksgiving in November. But because of the damage to my lungs, my oncologist isn’t sure. He’s going to discuss with the radiation doctor, and make a determination. If the radiation doctor is confident that he blast the cells without hitting my lungs, we’ll proceed. If he can’t we’ll be done September 24.

In the meantime, the fine folks at Mirage–the Ninja Turtles Company–have released a t-shirt to help with our expenses. If nothing else you can look at the shirt here (I’m not schilling…it’s just part of the cancer update. PLEASE don’t feel like I’m asking/pressuring you to buy them. Really, I just think they’re cool): http://www.ninjaturtles.com/html/scratch-shirt.htm

Michelle and I are so grateful for every note, kind word, and other display of support and affection we’ve received over the last four or five months. We’re almost done–just two to four months left. But I have to tell you, we couldn’t have done it without you. I’m most excited because I’ll be *allowed* to travel to NYC and LA–my two favorite places and my good friends-(and getting back to focusing on my writing career)-toward the end of the year.

I really hope to see as many of you as I can, and we can celebrate the end of this process in just a couple of months!

With great love and appreciation,

Jake Black

We love you Jake. Keep up the good fight!

By the way, you can now pre-order the T-Shirt which benefits Jake’s cancer fund (Cancer is expensive, dude!) by checking out this post!