LEE’S TOY REVIEW #xx, pg. 36 / “TOY FAIR 2004” , ‘TMNT – 2k3 Peek’ (( March 2004 ))

LEE'S TOY REVIEW #xx, pg. 36 / "TOY FAIR 2004" , 'TMNT - 2k3 Peek'  (( March 2004 ))

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★ ★

–>> A handful of unproduced prototypes, or at least drastically altered figures to the extent of their final manufactured form appear on this spread. A rare look at a few of them.

LEE'S TOY REVIEW #xx, pg. 37 / "TOY FAIR 2004" , 'TMNT - 2k3 Peek'  (( March 2004 ))

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★ ★

LEE'S TOY REVIEW #xx, pg. 36 / "TOY FAIR 2004" , 'TMNT - 2k3 Peek' - "QUARRY" early prototype (( March 2004 ))

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★ ★

–>> The paint on Quarry’s prototype is pretty cool, this is similar to an effect of what was finally produced OVER a year later than when it was originally to be released. I recall a “spitting” action feature announced for this toy. That was not realized on the final figure. I’m not sure if i recall an actual prototype showing that feature. This photo doesn’t seem to show it at all. The proto’s visual is much better ascetically than the final figure.


LEE'S TOY REVIEW #xx, pg. 37 / "TOY FAIR 2004" , 'TMNT - 2k3 Peek' - "FOOT MYSTICS" unproduced prototypes  (( March 2004 ))

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★ ★

 Obviously the same sculpt, only the FOOT FIRE MYSTIC was made for whatever reason.

The more ambitious customizer could hypothetically obtain 3 more Fire Mystic toys and repaint them accordingly. These guys eventually would “manifest” in the MIRAGE comic books.

LEE'S TOY REVIEW #xx, pg. 37 / "TOY FAIR 2004" , 'TMNT - 2k3 Peek' - "SPACE HOPPIN' RAPHAEL" early prototype  (( March 2004 ))

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★ ★

This EARLY prototype of the ‘Space Hoppin’ Raph’ toy is a more accurate to what appeared in the TMNT 2k3 T.V. show than what was actually manufactured and put into stores. These were the Teens’ stolen TRICERATON space suits in the show, you can see the suit’s “tail” in the back of the toy. The actual manufactured Space Hoppers


LEE'S TOY REVIEW #xx, pg. 37 / "TOY FAIR 2004" , 'TMNT - 2k3 Peek' - Unproduced Mouser 6-pack  (( March 2004 ))

★ ★

 No single carded 6-pack of April’s little robot “friends” was produced for this line. However multiple Mousers would come packed in one of the S.W.A.T. multi-figure/vehicle packs in the mid-aughts.

The Nick TMNT line does have a Multi-pack of Mousers.


• •

NY TOYFAIR ’15 COVERAGE continues, oi !!  ::


More from Pixel-DAN & Playmates  !! ::

Teenage Mutant Half Shell Heroes Figures and Vehicles

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles T-Machines Cars and Playsets


Finally, special thank you to new ally of GGM, the WHITEFOOTSOLDIER ::


~ t

LEE’S TOY REVIEW #xx, pg. 32 / “TOY FAIR 2003 DECLASSIFIED”, TMNT – 2k3 Waves 2 peek (( xx, 2003 ))

LEE'S TOY REVIEW #xx, pg. 32 / "TOY FAIR 2003 DECLASSIFIED", TMNT - 2k3 Waves 2-4 peek; April, Casey, Hun  (( xx, 2003 ))

LEE'S TOY REVIEW #xx, pg. 32 / "TOY FAIR 2003 DECLASSIFIED", TMNT - 2k3 Waves 2-4 peek  (( xx, 2003 ))

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★ ★

–>> Listings for SIMPSONS and PRO ZONE MLB are included on the page. Apparently i did not save those pages with the photos from those lines. I guess Tokka was more obviously focused on preserving TMNT imagery when i culled the rest of the magazine, for whatever reason i did that. Musta been having some manic fit again.
LEE'S TOY REVIEW #xx, pg. 32 / "TOY FAIR 2003 DECLASSIFIED", TMNT - 2k3 Waves 2-4 peek; 'EXTREME SPORTS TURTLES' designs by Michael Dooney  (( xx, 2003 )).. Mike Dooney’s designs !!

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★ ★


LEE'S TOY REVIEW #xx, pg. 32 / "TOY FAIR 2003 DECLASSIFIED", TMNT - 2k3 Waves 2 peek; ROLEPLAY, vehicles, Lair Playset (( xx, 2003 ))

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★ ★

 Alright .. the past is the past, and the PAST was’a blast ( for’sum o’ us anyways ) – -but let’s cut straight to the race, with PIXEL DAN’S famous NY T.F. Paper chase.

Let’s go head on in, kids !! Gracias, Dan !!

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Playsets at Toy Fair 2015 – Secret Sewer Lair 2.0 & 24″ Leonardo Lair

Playmates Toys Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Action Figures Walkthrough at Toy Fair 2015

Playmates Toys Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Vehicles at Toy Fair 2015 – Pizza Thrower and More!

More from round’ the Toy Fair Web ::


~ t

Tomart’s Action Figure Digest #xx :: pg.20, 21 SDCC ’03 TMNT 2k3, Wave 2 peek (( xx 2003 ))

Tomart's Action Figure Digest #xx :: pg.20, 21 SDCC '03 TMNT 2k3, Wave 2 peek (( xx 2003 ))

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★ ★

** UPDATE **

I was alerted that the “Environmental Playsets” were part of a series of TOMB RAIDER, LAURA CROFT toys by Playmates – – so apparently they did see some kind of release.

–>> SDCC ’03 would be my first of the California Cons and Playmates had a nice medium-sized presence to help celebrate of the then, still very new 4kids TMNT T.V. show. Michael Dooney himself was on hand much of the time at Playmates’ booth to sign autographs and sketch. Toy giveaways were were done sporadically and this was my first “official” exposure to the TMNT at a convention post previous independent TURTLE MEDIA convention appearances. Most of my personal photos from this Con & particular were accidentally deleted. However this two page spread highlights the most interesting releases of the second wave of the TMNT-2k3 toy line that were on display. Of note are two deluxe boxed sets that were never sent into production. They were incredibly impressive in person. But they were not to see the manufactured time of day and have gone into the PLAYMATES archives for good. The figures however are merely “battle damaged” repaints.

Tomart's Action Figure Digest #xx :: pg.21 SDCC '03 TMNT 2k3, Wave 2 peek / .. unproduced DLX 'Donatello v. Foot Soldier' boxed set (( xx 2003 )) ** View LARGE On Black **

★ ★

“Battle Damaged” repaints of the basic Foot Soldier & Donatello on a cool, dirty NYC building rooftop base. Tomart's Action Figure Digest #xx :: pg.21 SDCC '03 TMNT 2k3, Wave 2 peek / .. unproduced DLX 'Raphael v. Casey Jones' boxed set (( xx 2003 ))

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★ ★

Repaints of the standard Casey & Raph from waves 1 & 2 of the TMNT – 2k3 line. Casey’s bike and the killer “alley way” base were entirely new.

• •

TF-15-peeksHere’s the first aggregation for NYC TOYFAIR 2015 ::

~ t



Season’s greetings from GGM !!

☃ ☃

–>> .. this ornament approx. 4″  “Heirloom Ornament Collection”; plays portion of original TMNT animated series theme.



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☃ ☃


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☃ ☃








• •

Related notes ::

December, 2014
10TMNT #41; TMNT: Turtles In Time TPB; TMNT/Ghostbusters #1, 2nd printing
17TMNT New Animated Adventures #18; TMNT/Ghostbusters #2, 2nd printing
24TMNT/Ghostbusters #3

January, 2015
07TMNT Classics, Vol. 9 TPB; TMNT New Animated Adventures Vol. 4 TPB; TMNT Animated, Vol. 5 TPB
14TMNT Adventures, Vol. 9 TPB; TMNT New Animated Adventures #19; TMNT Color Classics, Vol. 3 #1
21TMNT #42; TMNT/Ghostbusters #4

February, 2015
04TMNT New Animated Adventures #20; TMNT, Vol. 10: New Mutant Order TPB
11TMNT Color Classics, Vol. 3 #2
18TMNT #43
25TMNT: Mutanimals #1

March, 2015
04TMNT New Animated Adventures #21; TMNT: The IDW Collection, Vol. 1 HC
11TMNT Color Classics, Vol. 3 #3
18TMNT: Mutanimals #2
25TMNT #44

May, 2015
02 – FCBD 2015TMNT Prelude to Vengeance – FCBD 2015

..and to ALL a good night !! !!


~ t

“NINJA TURTLES” Movie :: SHREDDER { tOKKustom MOVIE MANIAC } (( 2014 ))

"NINJA TURTLES" Movie :: SHREDDER  { tOKKustom MOVIE MANIAC } i (( 2014 ))

☣ ☣

–>> Neither movie accurate nor inaccurate;Varner Studio’s 2014 MOVIE shredder represents earlier ILM designs for Saki’s armor. One of the more talked about elements of the new film, thankfully this Shredder would reflect ‘somewhat’ more traditional incarnations of the character – if not an amalgam of many earlier incarnations.

"NINJA TURTLES" Movie :: SHREDDER  { tOKKustom MOVIE MANIAC } ii (( 2014 ))

Like VARNER’s Foot Soldier in the line, the final look of the manufactured figure may not represent the final look of the characters depicted onscreen, however with some effort and modification ( and imagination ) one CAN amazing things with these toys to better reflect the images in the actual film.

Presented here is a Shredder not entirely accurate to the film, but perhaps a blend of those earlier designs Varner Studios worked off off for the villain and a color scheme & wash similar to the effect of the final version of the Samurai inspired armor. Along with some original elements Tokka added to enhance the toy.


"NINJA TURTLES" Movie :: SHREDDER  { tOKKustom MOVIE MANIAC } ii (( 2014 ))

"NINJA TURTLES" Movie :: SHREDDER i (( 2014 ))

"NINJA TURTLES" Movie :: SHREDDER ii (( 2014 ))

"NINJA TURTLES" Movie :: SHREDDER  { tOKKustom MOVIE MANIAC } iii (( 2014 ))

The studded cape of the figure is not present in the live-action portions of the film. However the illustrated / animated intro during Splinter’s voice-over features Shredder flanked by some armed Foot Soldiers. That image DOES feature a studded cape on Saki. From a certain point of view: the figure in reality emulates the early concept work for Saki, Eric Sacks mentions in the movie “upgrades” to the armor Shredder dons in the live-action. Retconning these facts in the movie, the figure hypothetically could be featuring an earlier version of Shredder’s armor PRE- the upgrades made by Eric Sacks and his crew.


"NINJA TURTLES" Movie :: SHREDDER  { tOKKustom MOVIE MANIAC } iv (( 2014 ))

"NINJA TURTLES" Movie :: SHREDDER  { tOKKustom MOVIE MANIAC } v (( 2014 ))

"NINJA TURTLES" Movie :: SHREDDER  { tOKKustom MOVIE MANIAC } vi / ..accessories  (( 2014 ))

"NINJA TURTLES" Movie :: SHREDDER  { tOKKustom MOVIE MANIAC } vii / Studded Cape (( 2014 ))

Tokka’s presentation also gives a nod to a late great movie-inspired toy-line of the late 1990s & early aughts.

Seen any good MOVIE Turtles customs ?? Share ’em in the comments section !!

"NINJA TURTLES" Movie :: SHREDDER  { tOKKustom MOVIE MANIAC } viii / ..Nodachi Long Sword (( 2014 ))"NINJA TURTLES" Movie :: SHREDDER  { tOKKustom MOVIE MANIAC } ix / ..Nodachi Long Sword (( 2014 ))

"NINJA TURTLES" Movie :: SHREDDER  { tOKKustom MOVIE MANIAC } x / ..Nodachi Long Sword (( 2014 ))

"NINJA TURTLES" Movie :: SHREDDER  { tOKKustom MOVIE MANIAC } xi / ..Kusarigama (( 2014 ))

"NINJA TURTLES" Movie :: SHREDDER  { tOKKustom MOVIE MANIAC } xiii / ..Kusarigama (( 2014 ))

"NINJA TURTLES" Movie :: SHREDDER  { tOKKustom MOVIE MANIAC } xiv / ..Kusarigama (( 2014 ))

"NINJA TURTLES" Movie :: SHREDDER  { tOKKustom MOVIE MANIAC } xv /  Movie marquee & poster (( 2014 ))

"NINJA TURTLES" Movie :: SHREDDER  { tOKKustom MOVIE MANIAC } xvi / ..with Basic MOVIE SHREDDER '14 (( 2014 ))"NINJA TURTLES" Movie :: SHREDDER  { tOKKustom MOVIE MANIAC } xvii / ..with TMNT MOVIE SHREDDER '07 (( 2014 ))"NINJA TURTLES" Movie :: SHREDDER  { tOKKustom MOVIE MANIAC } xviii / ..with 4KIDS SHREDDER '03 (( 2014 ))"NINJA TURTLES" Movie :: SHREDDER  { tOKKustom MOVIE MANIAC } xix / ..with NT:The Next Mutation SHREDDER '97 (( 2014 ))"NINJA TURTLES" Movie :: SHREDDER  { tOKKustom MOVIE MANIAC } xx / ..with Chef Boyardee SUPER SHREDDER '93 (( 2014 ))

"NINJA TURTLES" Movie :: SHREDDER  { tOKKustom MOVIE MANIAC } xxi / ..with Original SHREDDER '88 (( 2014 ))

"NINJA TURTLES" Movie :: SHREDDER  { tOKKustom MOVIE MANIAC } xxii (( 2014 ))"NINJA TURTLES" Movie :: SHREDDER  { tOKKustom MOVIE MANIAC } xxiii (( 2014 ))

"NINJA TURTLES" Movie :: SHREDDER  { tOKKustom MOVIE MANIAC } xxiv (( 2014 ))

"NINJA TURTLES" Movie :: SHREDDER  { tOKKustom MOVIE MANIAC } xxv (( 2014 ))

• •

Related notes ::

November, 2014
12Secret History of the Foot Clan, Workprint Edition HC; TMNT New Animated Adventures #17; Tales of the TMNT, Vol. 6 TPB
19TMNT Legends: Soul’s Winter by Michael Zulli
26TMNT #40; TMNT/Ghostbusters #2

December, 2014
03TMNT/Ghostbusters #3; TMNT/Ghostbusters #1, 2nd printing
10TMNT New Animated Adventures #18; TMNT Animated, Vol. 5 TPB; TMNT Classics, Vol. 9 TPB; TMNT Annual 2012 Deluxe Limited Edition HC; TMNT/Ghostbusters #2, 2nd printing
17TMNT: Turtles In Time TPB
31TMNT #41

January, 2015
07TMNT Adventures, Vol. 9 TPB; TMNT Color Classics, Vol. 3 #1; TMNT #42
14TMNT New Animated Adventures #19; TMNT New Animated Adventures Vol. 4 TPB
21TMNT/Ghostbusters #4


~ t